Semana Portuaria UIMP 2024
Santander, Spain | 3 – 6 September 2024

30 Giugno, 2024

At present, ports, along with their communities and logistics networks, are facing some changes that has begun to transform their ways of creating value. In this context, talent development, which involves acquiring and developing skills, knowledge, behaviors, and values, emerges as a central piece of the Spanish port sector’s transformation and modernization strategy by 2030.

In response to this dynamic, the Strategic Framework of the Spanish General Interest Port System recognizes human capital as the most important resource for port organizations, and Puertos del Estado among the measures and instruments outlined to address training needs promote the Corporate Port University and their initiatives with international projection, aiming to offer training programs aligned with the sector’s strategic needs.

In this way, the Semana Portuaria UIMP 2024 takes place – an academically oriented event conceived and organized as a summer school by Puertos del Estado, the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, and the Port Authority of Santander. Its purpose is to explore, share knowledge, provide stimulating thinking, foster open dialogue and reflection on the challenges concerning the port industry.

The Semana Portuaria is held from 3 to 6 september in Santander, a location recognized by the British magazine Monocle as the second-best small city in the world to live. The activities take place at the Palacio Real de la Magdalena, the summer campus of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo—an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities that promotes interdisciplinary debate and the exploration of knowledge boundaries. The program ( consists of a series of short-duration events structured around interventions by top-level experts, with the goal of updating the paradigms shaping port behavior and operating methods:

Tuesday, September 3
Women in today’s ports. Challenges and opportunities
DIRECTION: Santiago N. Díaz Fraile, Director of the Port Authority of Santander; Rosana Velasco Masó, President of WISTA Spain

Wednesday, September 4
Ports committed to their cities
DIRECTION: Teófila Martínez Saiz, President of RETE – International Association for collaboration between Ports and Cities and President of the Cádiz Bay Port Authority; César Díaz Maza, President of the Santander Port Authority

Thursday, September 5
Energy efficiency in ports
DIRECTION: Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, President of Puertos del Estado; Beatriz Corredor Sierra, President of Redeia

Friday, September 6
Leadership school. Port management
“Liquid” ports: managing change
DIRECTION: César Díaz Maza, President of the Santander Port Authority; Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, President of Puertos del Estado

The summer school is aimed at a broad spectrum of executives, managers, and professionals working in the port-logistics sector, both in the public and private spheres. It also invites professors and researchers interested in studying these infrastructures, students looking to orient and develop their careers in the port industry, and companies, entrepreneurs, startups, etc., attracted or interested in the business opportunities offered by this sector.

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Article reference for citation:

Editorial Team of PORTUS, Semana Portuaria UIMP 2024, PORTUS Magazine n. 47, June 2024, Year XXIV, RETE Publisher, Venice, ISSN 2282-5789.

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