Digital Transformation and Promotion of Innovation in the Port of Malaga, as Drivers of Sustainability

8 Giugno, 2024

In 2019, the “Malaga, Green Port” initiative was approved, arising from the desire to integrate the environmental dimension of the Port within the context where it is situated, namely, in a city like Malaga that has based its growth strategy on tourism, culture, innovation, and the environment.

Since then, the Port Authority has aligned with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aiming to introduce sustainability criteria into the strategic decision-making processes of both the Port Authority and its Port Community. This is to ensure the sustainability of logistics operations and port services in the medium and long term.

The Port of Malaga seeks to strengthen its position as a leader in sustainability by addressing climate change and decarbonizing its activities. It also recognizes the benefits of digitization in terms of efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability, highlighting the need to adopt digital solutions to ensure competitiveness.

In coordination with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Strategic Framework of State Ports, and the 2024-2030 Strategic Plan, four lines of action are deployed to reinforce its positioning as a sustainable, efficient, digitized port committed to the development of its surroundings, aiming to become a reference point in the Mediterranean region. Its mission is to promote, in collaboration with the Port Community, other institutions, and the City, the logistic, industrial, and touristic development in our area of influence, through the offer of competitive infrastructure, services, and intermodal connections, thus contributing sustainably to the development of the local economy.

Coordinated with the Strategic Plan for the Port of Malaga 2024-2030, the vision focuses on becoming a reference intermodal hub for the connection between the European and African continents, acting as a driving force for sustainable and innovative development in logistics, industry, and tourism in Malaga and Andalusia. It emphasizes values such as commitment to technological innovation, good governance, transparency, corporate ethics, environmental development, and socio-touristic responsibility.

The four lines of action of the 2024-2030 Strategic Policy, along with their objectives, are deployed based on the principles of:

  • A-1: Sustainable growth of port activity.
  • A-2: Green, digital, and innovative port.
  • A-3: Reference port city.
  • A-4: Optimized, transparent, and participatory port.

Coordination of the Strategic Plan for the Port of Malaga 2024-2030 with SDGs. (Source: Port Authority of Malaga).

The first axis refers to environmental, social, and economic sustainability, advancing in the development of co-generation infrastructures, the use of electricity from exclusively renewable sources, the promotion of alternative fuels such as liquefied natural gas or green hydrogen, the creation of green spaces in the port and city areas, the transition of the vehicle fleet to electric or hybrid, and the promotion of intermodally through decisive support for rail freight transport. Policies are also being developed for socio-touristic sustainability to reconcile tourism influx with the daily life of residents, avoiding congestion and overcrowding in main tourist attractions.

Action Plan. Strategic Plan for the Port of Malaga 2024-2030. (Source: Port Authority of Malaga).

Additionally, besides environmental, touristic, and energy transformation, the Port of Malaga aims to position itself as a leader in digital transformation to contribute to the efficiency, connectivity, security, and sustainability of the port sector and its economy. To achieve this, it is essential to convert it into a smart, hyper-connected, and synchro modal port that drives innovation.

This innovation process is understood in a broad sense, permeating all fields of activity in which the port operates (logistics, security, etc.), including port-city and touristic relations. Numerous initiatives are being developed to gradually digitize and technologically integrate the entire port community serving at the Port of Malaga. Among others, recent initiatives include:

1.  The recent awarding of the implementation of a digital port management system enabling the automation of administrative processes, comprehensive supervision of all port operations, transforming the Port of Malaga into a Smart Port, and facilitating communication between stakeholders. All with a clear objective of advancing towards the establishment of the Port as a Local Single Window, making it a “Paperless Port”, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, the Strategic Framework of Ports of Spain, and our recently approved Strategic Plan.

2. Collaboration with major technology corporations and port community operators is consolidating a path of innovation, placing digital transformation and the implementation of innovation processes at the forefront of strategic processes. These development and innovation processes, due to their driving and transversal nature, serve as leverage for achieving the objectives set out in the 2024-2030 Strategic Plan.

Integration Framework of State Ports Strategic Plan. (Source: Port Authority of Malaga).

Among these pilot projects, some digital solutions are being developed, based on 5G technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate decision-making and port management. In this regard, last year, three pilot innovation projects were deployed in collaboration with Telefónica, Vodafone, and Orange, focusing on different areas of the port:

  • Transport and Logistics: Improvements in tracking, traceability, and control of goods within the port area, up to their passage through the Border Control Point.
  • Security: Monitoring of the water surface in the service area to enable early and autonomous detection of unauthorized vessel access.
  • Tourism: Development of an application to provide real-time insights into the movements and trends of cruise ship passengers visiting our port and city. This aims to prevent undesirable overcrowding that affects both their experience at the destination and the residents of Malaga. Additionally, efforts are underway to develop solutions to anticipate decisions regarding the various visits to the city to avoid overwhelming its historical center.

Initiatives and Application Developments in the Port of Malaga. (Source: Port Authority of Malaga).

3. The resolute commitment to the Ports 4.0 initiative by Ports of Spain, through actively supporting proposals related to the digitalization of port activity, environmental management solutions to improve the port-city relationship, and the promotion of the logistics-port sector and the nautical sector through innovation systems.

Innovation is considered fundamental for improving service provision and port management, allowing the adaptation in international trade and global transportation chains through new technologies.

Container Operations. (Source: Málagaport Foundation).

In this regard, we understand that this path must be traveled together with the local innovative ecosystem, which includes prestigious institutions such as Malaga TechPark, the International University of Andalusia, the Vodafone Research Center, the CIEDES Foundation, the University of Malaga, and the Cybersecurity Center of the Andalusian Government. Collaboration agreements have been reached with all of them to position themselves in the service area and its surroundings, consolidating the Port as a reference in innovation related to international logistics, tourism, nautical activities, and blue economy.

In this context, the International University of Andalusia has recently relocated its technological headquarters to the Port of Malaga’s Port Studies Institute. This agreement is part of the commitment foster teaching activity and projects linked to educational innovation. The initiative is a step further in the Port’s commitment to creating innovation spaces and promoting training for employment related to the internationalization of the productive sector it serves. Additionally, this new headquarters will allow the creation of a Specialized Center in Intelligent Technologies applied to Education. A space focused on research and knowledge transfer within the educational sector, offering tools, resources, and methodologies of interest to teachers, researchers, and professionals. This, in turn, will generate poles of strategic alliances to promote the training of professionals in transportation, logistics, nautical activities, and blue economy, among others.

Deepening in the innovation diversification strategy, is the agreement reached with Malaga TechPark, the Technological Park of Andalusia, to promote innovative activity and entrepreneurship in the Port of Malaga. The protocol signed aims to establish collaboration between Malaga TechPark, the Port Authority of Malaga, and the Málagaport Foundation, to develop a common collaboration model focused on joint R&D&I projects and entrepreneurship within the port service area, benefiting the Port Community.

Technological and Innovative Ecosystem of the Port of Malaga. (Source: Port Authority of Malaga).

Both institutions are committed to creating new synergies between them, serving as catalysts for regional economic development and drivers of the economy and technology. As such, both parties pledge to work together, fostering the creation of an environment for interaction among activity, industry, and business, promoting research transfer and training within the park’s space, and transferring business and innovation activity developed by the park to the port space. This strategic alliance turns the port into an extension of the technological park in the city center, enabling collaboration and cooperation among all technology companies, innovation incubators, and logistics and port service operators within our service area.

Both the Malaga Technopolis and the Port itself have already become socioeconomic engines of the city of Malaga and its area of influence. In this regard, Malaga TechPark has become a driving force of the Andalusian, provincial, and local economy around digital technologies, serving as an example of cooperation between companies, universities, and knowledge centers.

On the other hand, the integration between the city and the port implemented years ago, have turned the port area into an increasingly active part of the city, with areas for business location, cultural and leisure zones, shops, and restaurants, with a growing integration of the Port and the city of Malaga.

Thus, with its growing tourism and logistics activity and the consolidation of the integration project of Muelle 1 and 2, the port area becomes a space of opportunity for innovation and development, as evidenced by the recent location of the headquarters of the Digital Agency of Andalusia (DAA) through the Cybersecurity Center in the Palm Grove of Surprises of Muelle 2.

Palm Grove of Surprises, Muelle 2. Port of Malaga. (Source: Málagaport Foundation).

From the Cybersecurity Center, essential services necessary for the functioning of public institutions, critical infrastructure, and those on which the networks of Andalusia rely will be monitored. However, its protective effect will extend much further, providing confidence and protection to citizens, private companies, and public institutions in the Andalusian digital ecosystem.

Moreover, the Andalusian Cybersecurity Center is also configured as a dynamic and transformative space from where awareness campaigns and activities will be carried out to contribute to improving capabilities against cyber threats. Plans for training, diagnostic tools, and incentives will be created and offered to encourage Andalusian companies to incorporate cybersecurity into their daily operations.

Therefore, the Port of Malaga, along with the other institutions of the city, shares a determined course towards a scenario where they position themselves as leaders in digital transformation, aiming to ensure the efficiency, connectivity, security, and sustainability of the port sector and its economy. This involves considering it essential to convert the port into an intelligent, hyper-connected, and synchro modal port that drives innovation.

HEAD IMAGE | Panoramic view of the Port and City of Malaga. (Source: Malagaport Foundation).

Article reference for citation:

MOYANO RETAMERO, José. “Transformación digital y fomento de la innovación en el Puerto de Málaga, como motores de sostenibilidad”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

MOYANO RETAMERO, José. “Digital Transformation and Promotion of Innovation in the Port of Malaga, as Drivers of Sustainability”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

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