One of the most complex discussions concerning climate emergency is the sustainable water management. How to deal with the risks generated by climate change where the presence of cultural and environmental assets is highly stratified over time? How to manage large densely populated areas rich in environmental and human resources, ensuring their protection and development? It’s now time to integrate the connections between the different territorial scales and to ensure the balance between public and private interests in a framework of sustainable strategies. SOS Climate Waterfront is an interdisciplinary project that aims to explore waterfronts in Europe that are facing climate change. The volume presents the results of the workshop held in Rome in spring 2022.
Table of contents
Vulnerability and opportunity on waterfront facing climate change
Pedro Ressano Garcia
Do three different waterfronts make Rome a city of water?
Claudia Mattogno
PART 1: Rome Coastal System
Rediscovering Layers and Links Between Water Landscapes and Cultural Heritage
Claudia Mattogno
The ‘Various Landscapes’ of the Ostiense Coast Cultural and Environmental Heritage
Maria Grazia Turco
The Coastal Territory of Rome Environment, Architecture, Archaeology
Sonia Gallico, Barbara Tetti
The Navona Lake and the Eels of the Pantheon Architecture and Landscape for Flooding
Annalisa Metta
A Trip Along the Lazio Coast
Giulia Luciani
Land Consumption and Coastal Erosions in Italy. A Focus about the Lazio Region
Michele Manigrasso
Land Consumption Along Coasts is Increasing Local Vulnerability. The Case of Rome and Other Six Cities
Francesca Assennato, Daniela Smiraglia, Chiara Giuliani, Alice Cavalli
Projects results
Roman Riviera Rome Open to the Sea
PART 2: Rome and the Tiber
The Great Floods of the Tiber River in History
Guido Calenda, Corrado Paolo Mancini
The Strategic Approach in Planning Water Cities. National and International Best Practices
Carmen Mariano
Regenerating Cities with Blue and Green Networks. Inspirational Models and Rome Potential
Irene Poli
The General Masterplan for Rome and the Key Role of the Tiber Strategic Planning Zone
Chiara Ravagnan
Rethinking the Human-Water Interface for the Tiber and the City of Rome: the PS5 Flood Risk Management Plan
Fernando Nardi, Antonio Annis
The Tiber River Contract: the Roman Path
Luna Kappler
The Public Space Around the Tiber Realm
Federica Dal Falco
The Flaminio District. Historical Plans and Urban Fabric Evolution
Bruno Monardo
Landscape and Perception Values in the Urban Context of Flaminio
Francesca Rossi
Projects results
Through water
Let it Tiber
PART 3: Rome Aniene River
White and Blue Water and Travertine Landscapes Along the Aniene
Elena Paudice
Spaces and Initiatives Along the River Aniene
Tullia Valeria Di Giacomo
The Role of Local Association in Improving the Quality of River Spaces
Marta Polizzi
Water – and Heat – Resilient Built Environment
Simona Mannucci, Federica Rosso
The Quality of Urban Rivers with Respect to the Contaminants of Emerging Concern
Camilla Di Marcantonio, Agostina Chiavola, Maria Rosaria Boni
The Problem of Forgotten Peripheral Rivers and Streams in Big Cities
Paulina Bone
Projects results
Discovering Aniene
Permeable Widen Aniene
PART 4: Water as a Lifeline for Rome
Urban Watering by Nature: the Romans way. A graphic story
Germaine Sanders
Pedro RESSANO GARCIA, Claudia MATTOGNO, Bruno MONARDO, Antonio CAPPUCCITTI (edited by)
Waterfront Dialectics
Rome and its Region Facing Climate Change Impacts
TAB Edizioni, Rome, 2023
Pages: 308
ISBN (print version): 978-88-9295-666-7
ISBN (digital version): 978-88-9295-685-8
Author’s Biography
Pedro Ressano Garcia is an architect who divides his time between research, teaching and the practice of architecture. Currently he’s teaching at École d’architecture de l’Université Laval at Québec. He began teaching at the University of California, Berkeley in 1996 and he was a professor in Portugal. Is has lived and worked in various waterfront cities, Barcelona, Lisbon, Quebec, Oporto, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco. He has collaborated as an expert in Abu Dhabi, Beograd, Cairo, Eindhoven, Cracow, Hamburg, Trieste, Taiwan, Gdansk, Guangzhou and Sidney; his research mainly focuses on the transformation of riverside towns. In his studio in Lisbon (Pedro Ressano Garcia Studios), theory and practice are combined in architecture and urban design projects, as well as in the development of studies and ideas that enhance each cultural reality.
Claudia Mattogno, PhD architect and urban planner, is full professor of Urban Planning at the Sapienza University of Rome. Her research fields concern urban design with reference to the structure and meaning of relational spaces, the transformations of public housing districts and the contemporary landscape, urban agriculture and gender studies.
Bruno Monardo, Architect, PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, is Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the Department of Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture (PDTA), Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Visiting professor and invited scholar at international institutions as Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), Northeastern University in Boston (Massachusetts, USA), San Diego State University (California, USA), Institut d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme Ile-de-France (AIU) in Paris. He has directed and still coordinates international research projects on various topics, such as the relationship between mobility planning and urban regeneration, the impact of Innovation Districts on local and regional development, the phenomenon of “Urban Centers” as turbines of participatory democracy; on these issues he has edited numerous volumes, essays, articles.
Antonio Cappuccitti, civil engineer and Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering. His favorite research fields: urban morphology, rules and regulations for a good city form, innovative plans and programs for urban regeneration.
Editorial Team of PORTUS. “Waterfront Dialectics. Rome and its Region Facing Climate Change Impacts”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.
URL: https://portusonline.org/waterfront-dialectics-rome-and-its-region-facing-climate-change-impacts/