Territory dynamics. Nature Based Solutions – New definitions of thousand-year-old good practices

Dinamiche del territorio. Nature Based Solutions – Nuove definizioni di millenarie buone pratiche L’impatto dell’Etna: il…

The America’s Cup to the Integration of the Port and the City
38th RETE Meeting in Barcelona

La Copa América a la integración del puerto y la ciudad 38º Encuentro de RETE en…

The Port of Rosario Moves Towards the Future in Symbiosis with the Paraguay‐Paraná Waterway

El Puerto de Rosario avanza hacia el futuro en simbiosis con la Hidrovía Paraná – Paraguay…

The “Faro a Faro” Project will Transform the Waterfront to Consolidate Cartagena as a Major Capital of the Mediterranean

El proyecto “Faro a Faro” transformará la fachada marítima para consolidar a Cartagena como una gran…

Digital Transformation and Promotion of Innovation in the Port of Malaga, as Drivers of Sustainability

Transformación digital y fomento de la innovación en el Puerto de Málaga como motores de sostenibilidad…

PORTUSplus promote the Multidisciplinary Approach in the Scientific Research
Call for Papers “Research Themes” | Deadline: June 30, 2024 

PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is…

Between Sea and Lagoon, Venice Hosts the World Marinas Conference
Venice, Italy | 15-17 October 2025

The World Marinas Conference organized in collaboration with ICOMIA (International Council of Marine Industries Associations, the…

Sustainable Optimization: Enhancing Efficiency and Capacity of Port Facilities in Port of Vacamonte

Optimización sostenible: elevando la eficiencia y capacidad de las instalaciones portuarias en Puerto Vacamonte A. Caracterización…

The “Llano Amarillo” as a New Urban Centrality

El “Llano Amarillo” como nueva centralidad urbana Si bien es cierto que tenemos el orgullo de…

A Love in Every Harbor: Foundations for a Smart Reconnection of the Port City

Un amor en cada puerto. Bases para una reconexión inteligente de la ciudad portuaria Smart City…

Smart Sustainable Ports: Concept, Key Principles and Public Policies for Promotion

Puertos Sostenibles Inteligentes: concepto, principios clave y políticas públicas para promoverlos Introducción Este articulo explora el…

Many of the Largest European Ports Show Great Sensitivity for Excellence in the Relationship with their Cities

Muchos de los mayores puertos europeos manifiestan una gran sensibilidad por la excelencia en la relación…

New Challenges for the Port of Leixões
Interview with João Pedro NEVES, President of the Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo

Novos desafios para o Porto de Leixões Entrevista com João Pedro NEVES, Presidente da Administração dos…

Matosinhos. City (of) Future
Interview with Luísa SALGUEIRO, Mayor of Matosinhos City Hall

Matosinhos. Cidade (de) futuro Entrevista com Luísa SALGUEIRO, Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos Muito obrigado…

A Cruise Passenger in Spanish Ports: The Experience Starts Here

Un crucerista en los puertos españoles: la experiencia comienza aquí La perspectiva tradicional que los puertos…

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