Evoluzione e Modelli di Gestione dei Porti | Evolution and Management Models of Ports

Nel corso del tempo, le funzioni dei porti sono mutate e incrementate, coinvolgendo una moltitudine di…

Port Systems in Global Competition
Spatial-Economic Perspectives on the Co-Development of Seaports Connectivity in Modern Times

With regards the international trade that is carried most by sea, each port can be conceived…

A New District for Port Innovation. Synergies Between University, City and Port

Un nuevo distrito de innovación portuaria. Sinergias entre la universidad, la ciudad y el puerto El…

PROCIP: Decade One

The Integral Research Program for the Development of Port Cities (acronym in Spanish as PROCIP) celebrates…

Ocean Space, a home for the oceans in Venice

The project is called “Ocean Space”. After two years of major restoration and renovation work, the…

Importancia de la transferencia del Conocimiento al servicio de la Cooperación y el Desarrollo a ambas orillas del Estrecho de Gibraltar

El Estrecho de Gibraltar ha sido y sigue siendo un lugar lleno de oportunidades y con…

The Venice Arsenal, from forbidden city to new urban pole

A construction site in constant evolution, a space in constant transformation, since 1300. This is the…

Santander y su relación con el estudio del medio marino

El conocimiento de la naturaleza de la bahía de Santander parte de las primeras sociedades ribereñas.…

Interview with José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, President of the Port Authority of Santander

Rinio Bruttomesso – For some time, ports and port cities have been going through a phase…

Encuentro-Coloquio: Motores y Tendencias de Cambio en la Ciudad Portuaria

En la actualidad, la confluencia e interacción de poderosas dinámicas de cambio en ámbitos tales como…

Port cities and science: promoting change through science

“To ask what it means to practise science, or rather, to try to know what the…

Central America starts network of port cities

Actually, there is a good chance to create a Central American network for the study of…

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