Building Strategic Thinking “Port-City”
César DÍAZ MAZA, Santiago DÍAZ FRAILE, Francisco Javier ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA, José Ramón RUIZ MANSO

Building Strategic Thinking “Port-City”

“Oblígalos a construir juntos una torre y los convertirás en hermanos. Pero si quieres que se odien, arrójales comida. (…) ...
Establishment of the “Permanent Port-City Forum” of Santander
Editorial Team of PORTUS

Establishment of the “Permanent Port-City Forum” of Santander

“Entre los humanos, el requisito indispensable para cooperar no son sus semejanzas, sino su capacidad para intercambiar información. Mientras seamos ...
The Impact of the Logistics Sector on the Territorial Development of Latin America

The Impact of the Logistics Sector on the Territorial Development of Latin America

El impacto de la industria logística en el desarrollo territorial de América Latina Recientes encuentros del Foro Económico Mundial, se ...
Port Cities and Linguistic Plurality in the Central American Caribbean: History, Power and Resistance of Belize, Bluefields and Puerto Limón
Roger Humberto RÍOS DUARTE

Port Cities and Linguistic Plurality in the Central American Caribbean: History, Power and Resistance of Belize, Bluefields and Puerto Limón

Ciudades portuarias y pluralidad lingüística en el Caribe centroamericano: Historia, poder y resistencia de Belice, Bluefields y Puerto Limón Introducción ...
New York City’s Waterfront: Little Island and the Regeneration of the Piers for Citizens along the Hudson River

New York City’s Waterfront: Little Island and the Regeneration of the Piers for Citizens along the Hudson River

Introduction Hudson River Park is a waterfront park on the North River (Hudson River) that extends from 59th Street south ...
Athens, Where the Olive Tree is More than a Tree
Angela Alessandra BADAMI

Athens, Where the Olive Tree is More than a Tree

Atene, dove l'ulivo è più di un albero L’olio d’oliva è uno degli ingredienti onnipresenti della tradizione culinaria mediterranea. Non ...
Ports Committed to their Cities
Raquel BOY PRIETO, Francisco Javier ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA

Ports Committed to their Cities

“El compromiso es lo que convierte una promesa en realidad”.Abraham Lincoln “El compromiso abre las puertas de la imaginación, permite ...
“Italy and Spain: Bilateral Meeting between Ports and Cities” at the Naples Shipping Week 2024

“Italy and Spain: Bilateral Meeting between Ports and Cities” at the Naples Shipping Week 2024

“Italia e Spagna: Incontro Bilaterale tra Porti e Città” alla Naples Shipping Week 2024 Il Convegno Internazionale "Italia e Spagna: ...
In Memoriam | Lučka Ažman Momirski (1961–2024)

In Memoriam | Lučka Ažman Momirski (1961–2024)

Lučka Ažman Momirski, professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Ljubljana, left us far too soon at ...

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