The Forthcoming EU Port Strategy at the ESPO Conference 2025
Thessaloniki, Greece | 8 and 9 May 2025

The 21th edition of the Annual Conference of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) will take…

Ports as Economic Drivers. Future Challenges

Los puertos como motores económico. Retos de futuro Introducción El transporte marítimo tiene un papel crucial…

Montevideo (Uruguay). Approaching to the Local Community through Knowledge

Buenos Aires (Argentina) Espacio público y refuncionalización en la jurisdicción de Puerto Sur Emplazamiento Vista satelital…

Inclusion of Women: A Real Leverage for the Competitiveness of EU Ports

The inclusion of women in European ports, which have been historically male-dominated environments, is increasingly recognized…

“Port Cities. Integrative Urbanism” Summer Courses of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA)
La Rábida, Huelva | July 10 – 11, 2024

The course, promoted by the School of Architecture of Seville and RETE, aims to establish a…

“Net-Zero, Resilient and Competitive Ports: Acting Now to Deliver Tomorrow” ESPO Conference 2024
Paris, France | 25 and 26 April 2024

The 20th edition of the Annual Conference of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) will take…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Ports of Latin America and the Caribbean

La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en los puertos de América Latina y el Caribe En el reciente…

European Ports are Very Clear that Sustainability is the Roadmap
Interview with Gerardo LANDALUCE CALLEJA, President of the Algeciras Bay Port Authority

Los puertos europeos tenemos muy claro que la sostenibilidad es la hoja de ruta Entrevista con…

Many of the Largest European Ports Show Great Sensitivity for Excellence in the Relationship with their Cities

Muchos de los mayores puertos europeos manifiestan una gran sensibilidad por la excelencia en la relación…

New Challenges for the Port of Leixões
Interview with João Pedro NEVES, President of the Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo

Novos desafios para o Porto de Leixões Entrevista com João Pedro NEVES, Presidente da Administração dos…

Logistics Importance in the Port Cities Development

La importancia de la logística en el desarrollo de las ciudades portuarias La logística es una…

Port of Huelva, From Millennial History to a Multidisciplinary Vision

Puerto de Huelva, de la historia milenaria a la visión multidisciplinar La Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva…

Blue Economy: Competitiveness and Excellence in Huelva
Interview with José Luis GARCÍA-PALACIOS ÁLVAREZ, President of the Federación Onubense de Empresarios

La Economía Azul: competitividad y excelencia en Huelva Entrevista con José Luis GARCÍA-PALACIOS ÁLVAREZ, Presidente de…

Viana do Castelo and the privilege of being crossed by the river and bathed by the ocean
Interview with Luís NOBRE, President of the Municipality of Viana do Castelo

Viana do Castelo e o privilégio de ser atravessada pelo rio e banhada pelo oceano Entrevista…

Competitividad global. Sostenibilidad local

La Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), a través de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos (CIP), en…

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