PORTUS 47 | June 2024
![Port Development, the Southern Hemisphere and Global Geopolitics](https://portusonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Image_00_Geographical-location-of-Chancay-Port.jpg)
Port Development, the Southern Hemisphere and Global Geopolitics
El desarrollo portuario, el hemisferio sur y la geopolítica global América Latina, motivado por el desarrollo de la producción de gran escala de alimentos y de minerales, es un continente de interés esencial para Estados Unidos, Europa y China. Es ...
![Port Horizons: Interweaving Simmel, Castells and Sassen with Futurist Views in Urban Sociology](https://portusonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Image_00_Seafront-of-Puntarenas-in-Costa-Rica_©-Johnny-Aguilar-scaled.jpg)
Port Horizons: Interweaving Simmel, Castells and Sassen with Futurist Views in Urban Sociology
Horizontes portuarios: entretejiendo Simmel, Castells y Sassen con miradas futuristas en sociología urbana Introducción Introduction Las ciudades portuarias siempre han sido fundamentales en la historia y en el desarrollo socioeconómico global. Estos núcleos urbanos, conectados al mar, han funcionado como ...
![The Global Transport Network in Space and Time](https://portusonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Image_00_Maritime-routes-United-Kingdom-1880_Extract.jpg)
The Global Transport Network in Space and Time
When it comes to represent reality, such as movement of transports, over a map, cartographers face problems of different types. Traditional mapmaking techniques, such as paper maps, are limited by factors such as size, portability, and the ability to update ...
![The Port of Rosario Moves Towards the Future in Symbiosis with the Paraguay‐Paraná Waterway](https://portusonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Image_00_Container-ship-Port-of-Rosario_ENAPRO.jpg)
The Port of Rosario Moves Towards the Future in Symbiosis with the Paraguay‐Paraná Waterway
El Puerto de Rosario avanza hacia el futuro en simbiosis con la Hidrovía Paraná - Paraguay Como presidente de ENAPRO, estoy profundamente comprometida con la promoción de la gestión portuaria eficiente, sostenible y orientada al futuro, que no solo atienda ...
![The Worlds of Marco Polo. Stories of Travel, Discovery and Enterprise](https://portusonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Image_00_House-of-Marco-Polos-family-in-Venice_Photo-Matteo-de-Fina-scaled.jpg)
The Worlds of Marco Polo. Stories of Travel, Discovery and Enterprise
Venice's natural element is water, but its most illustrious citizen travelled by land. It was in 1271 that a young man named Marco Polo left Northern Italy for China to accompany his father on a trading expedition. The long journey ...
![Gastrourbanism Tactics](https://portusonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Image_00_Fish-Project-stand-at-the-Street-Food-in-Aalborg_Photo-A.-Badami.jpg)
Gastrourbanism Tactics
Tattiche gastrourbanistiche La trasformazione e la riconversione delle aree di waterfront dismesse rappresentano sfide significative, ma anche opportunità cruciali per migliorare la qualità urbana e rigenerare spazi pubblici [1]. La strategia di utilizzare “eventi locali” come parte di un approccio ...
![The America's Cup to the Integration of the Port and the City <br>38th RETE Meeting in Barcelona](https://portusonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Image_00_Barcelona-Copa-America_38-encuentro-2024_RETE.png)
The America’s Cup to the Integration of the Port and the City
38th RETE Meeting in Barcelona
La Copa América a la integración del puerto y la ciudad 38º Encuentro de RETE en Barcelona Tuvo lugar en Barcelona el pasado 4 de junio de 2024 la 38ª edición del Encuentro de RETE - Asociación para la Colaboración ...