“Port Cities. Integrative Urbanism” Summer Courses of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA)
La Rábida, Huelva | July 10 – 11, 2024

30 Giugno, 2024

The course, promoted by the School of Architecture of Seville and RETE, aims to establish a space for reflection and analysis on the current situation of dialogue and coexistence between ports and cities, as well as proposing a critical look at the quality of port city life and their territorial, economic, social and cultural environment.

In a particular historical moment, in which many urban ports are immersed in processes of transformation of their areas of contact with the consolidated city, which progressively pass to the citizen use and enjoyment, it is particularly opportune to expand the framework of investigation on the approach and the fate of these processes, in a multidisciplinary and innovative perspective.

In relation to this dynamic, the Port of Seville and the Port of Huelva can be paradigmatic today. In the first case the city is in the process of defining the new port district. In the second, the port proposes the opening of its industrial area to new uses and new possibilities for integration with the consolidated city.

Likewise the simultaneous expansion of ports and their logistics areas in territories far from cities makes it urgent to focus on the necessary good practices of interaction between infrastructures and the natural landscape. The needs relating to the efficiency of transport, storage and processing should not overshadow the necessary respect for the natural heritage and the mandatory tasks of regeneration and revitalization of the territory.

This meeting aims to establish the conceptual lines of this framework of reflection, for which another series of future training actions is also planned.

The complete dossier of the summer courses and the link is available with all the information at the following link:


Article reference for citation:

Editorial Team of PORTUS, “Port Cities. Integrative Urbanism" Summer Courses of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA), PORTUS Magazine n. 47, June 2024, Year XXIV, RETE Publisher, Venice, ISSN 2282-5789.
URL: port-cities-integrative-urbanism-summer-courses-of-the-international-university-of-andalusia-unia-huelva-july-2024/

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