Gender Equality, a Worthy Cause for our Ports’ Progress

10 Giugno, 2024

The port logistics industry is a cornerstone of the global economy but has long been dominated by a male chauvinist culture that has hindered women being fully integrated in the workplace.
In the port logistics sector, women have traditionally been underrepresented, with few opportunities for career advancement and access to decision-making roles. Data recently provided by UNCTAD shows that women employed in port operations and services represent only 16% of the total workforce. Instead, 24,000 women work in the maritime sector, around 1.28% of the total workforce employed on ships.
This gender gap is often the result of cultural prejudices, workplace discrimination and lack of inclusive company policies.
However, it is important to note that efforts by various public and private organizations to facilitate greater involvement of women in ports have been multiplying over the last few years. These efforts have involved more inclusive recruitment and promotion policies, mentorship and vocational training programmes targeted at women, and measures to create a safer, more welcoming working environment for everybody.

In Italy, over the past few years, the Italian Port Association (Assoporti), with the support of all the Port Network Authorities, has launched a fundamental campaign to bridge the gender gap. In 2021 this led to the signing of the First Gender Equality Pact, designed to create a fairer, more inclusive port industry, in line with the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the European development and resilience principles.

The North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority has wholeheartedly committed istelf to this campaign, adopting gender equality as a key area for defining its Port Network sustainability strategy.
In our Sustainability Report, published in 2021, which is currently being updated, described the Network Authority’s efforts to ensure gender equity in the port sector. By April 2021, 45% of our Port Network Authority staff were women, almost 6% more compared to 2016, the year Port Network Authorities were officially established by law.
Since 2021, further efforts have been made to facilitate full gender equality, thanks also to the promotion of meritocratic personnel selection procedures, able to really guarantee equal opportunities.
After the Port Network Authority’s most recent round of public personnel selection procedures the percentage of women in the organization has further increased. It now stands at 46%.
Women at the Port Network Authority now hold a wide variety of organizational positions, to the extent that they are also well represented at top management level. Out of a total of eight senior executives, four are women. There is also a substantial gender equality at administrative level: 55 of the 108 employees are female i.e. more than half of the total.

In the port context, however, there is still a long way to go. In the companies operating in the ports of Livorno, Piombino, Portoferraio and Rio Marina, women represent just under 10% of the total workforce: out of a total of 1606 employees there are only 177, 101 of whom in administration and 76 in the operational sector.
These figures show that we need to work more effectively in terms of cultural change, placing greater emphasis on training to bridge the gender gap. Training plays a fundamental strategic role in the professional growth of senior management and the staff assigned to them.
In this respect, the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority’s 2024 training program has been devised to contribute significantly to raising both the internal organizational system’s and the ports’ awareness of equal opportunities and gender equality. In particular, in the Port Network Authority’s in-house training program, in addition to safety, procurement, digitalization, energy transition, cybersecurity, organizational models and soft skills, there is a training module entitled ‘Promoting equal opportunities and gender equality’. The aim of the course is to develop a new anti-work harassment culture through a training programme designed to improve participants knowledge on these issues.

Panoramic view of the Port of Livorno. (© North Tyrrhenian Sea Ports System Authority).

Achieving gender equality, combating all forms of discrimination, eliminating all forms of harassment and gender-based violence in the public and private spheres, fostering all forms of inclusion and ensuring human rights are recognized are goals set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and incorporated in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development. The Public Administration sector has an important role to play in achieving these objectives, both in promoting a culture that is sensitive to differences, and in implementing measures to ensure that gender equality is reinforced within the community, and by the example it can set in public workplaces.

This is why the North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority has wholeheartedly embraced the initiatives coordinated by Assoporti, becoming an active member of the National Work Group on Gender Inequalities set up in 2021, made up of 23 women, all belonging to Italian Port Network Authorities.
As mentioned above, this work group led to the signing the Gender Equality Pact. Likewise, in October 2023, the ‘No Women No Panel’ Declaration of Intent was signed, an act devised within the European framework with the aim of promoting gender equality at public events, ensuring adequate participation and representation of women during conferences, debates and other institutional appointments.
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, our Authority also decided to support the awareness-raising campaign promoted by Assoporti against violence against women, by publishing a banner on its institutional website and its intranet dedicated to this issue, as a sign of solidarity by the port world against violence against women.

Among the future objectives of the Assoporti-coordinated work group is drafting guidelines on the language to be used in the Port Network Authority’s institutional documentation/communication as a vehicle to promote respect for gender differences and inclusiveness, drawing inspiration from authoritative national and European sources on the subject.
By supporting this additional initiative, this administration has therefore made a clear choice, with the aim of tangibly, fully enhancing women’s skills and talents.
This is why we have taken on important responsibilities in an attempt to stimulate change in a sustainable, responsible manner.
The many objectives we have set ourselves include, for example, helping set up a national IT platform for sharing best practices, defining common guidelines on the corporate welfare measures that each Port Network Authority can adopt to promote the wellbeing of its employees and their families, in order to create a system that is as homogeneous as possible among the various authorities.
Finally, we consider drawing up a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) a strategic objective; a valuable tool and measure for the Port Network Authority to be included in its Sustainability Report and Integrated Activity & Organization Plan. It is a very important planning and policy document, through which we aim to encourage respectful behaviour, combat gender discrimination and promote effective gender equality through a series of coherent in-house measures over a three-year period.

What is certain is that promoting gender equality in ports is a challenge that requires the commitment and cooperation of all stakeholders. Progress is steady but only slight changes can be seen.
A change of pace is therefore necessary. Port Network Authorities clearly want to play their part, firmly convinced that a real gender equality revolution in ports and in the entire maritime sector can only achieved through continuous, constant commitment.

HEAD IMAGE | Terminals in the Port of Livorno. (© North Tyrrhenian Sea Ports System Authority).

Article reference for citation:

GUERRIERI, Luciano. “Gender Equality, a Worthy Cause for our Ports’ Progress”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

GUERRIERI, Luciano. “Parità di genere, una battaglia giusta per il progresso dei nostri porti”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

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