Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities. A Study of Mersin, Turkey – From Antiquity to Modernity

This book surveys the historical development, current problems and likely prospects for Eastern Mediterranean port cities,…

Green Ports. Inland and Seaside Sustainable Transportation Strategies

Seaports are crucial actors in the global freight transportation system, serving as the hubs and gateways…

Fragile and Resilient Cities on Water

The process of modernization, especially during the twentieth century, has brought about dramatic changes in most…

Urban Ports and Harbor Management

The essays in this book, first published in 1988, explore the changes that have occurred in…

Urban Waterfront Promenades

Some cities have long-treasured waterfront promenades, many cities have recently built ones, and others have plans…

Ports and Networks: Strategies, Operations and Perspectives

Written by leading experts in the field, this book offers an introduction to recent developments in…

Waterfront urban space Designing for Blue-Green Places

The book explores potentialities and emerging issues to strategies and waterside planning and design, developing research…

Benchmarking Methodology for the Development of Sustainable Cruise Tourism in South-East Asia

“Benchmarking Methodology for the Development of Sustainable Cruise Tourism in South-East Asia” follows the 2016 publication…

Liquid Capital: Making the Chicago Waterfront

In the nineteenth century, politicians transformed a disease-infested bog on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan…

La riforma portuale di Federico II

L‘Autore, avvocato esperto in diritto marittimo e appassionato di storia, ripercorre le vicende che, nel 1239,…

Venezia è una città. Come è stata costruita e come vive

A sette anni dalla prima edizione, una nuova versione del saggio di Franco Mancuso, “Venezia è…

Waterfronts Revisited: European ports in a historic and global perspective

Fornire un’analisi aggiornata sull’evoluzione delle città portuali storiche nel contesto globale, attraverso una selezione di casi…

The Port and the City. On board diary

A research trip focused in the relation between cities and ports, two realities that have given…

Viaggio in Levante. Armature urbane, popoli e paesaggi

Questo libro è il racconto di un viaggio alla scoperta di realtà diverse. I luoghi e…

Getsemaní, casa tomada

Getsemaní es uno de los barrios más representativos de Cartagena de Indias, en donde han ocurrido…

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