Catalogo delle onde “Tutto è eccezione nella laguna di Venezia. Non solo la città sorta sulle…
Book Review
This section is dedicated to the review and/or report of literary, scientific and artistic publications on the topics of interest of the Magazine, for which some information and insights are provided, also through a short critical and interpretative evaluation text and/or a interview with the authors.
Evoluzione e Modelli di Gestione dei Porti | Evolution and Management Models of Ports
Nel corso del tempo, le funzioni dei porti sono mutate e incrementate, coinvolgendo una moltitudine di…
The Coming Floods
La Biennale di Venezia. A Magazine of Art Architecture Cinema Dance Music Theatre Fashion
Diluvi prossimi venturi La Biennale di Venezia. Rivista di Arte Architettura Cinema Danza Musica Teatro Moda…
Free Trade and Free Ports in the Mediterranean
The book “Free Trade and Free Ports in the Mediterranean” delves into the emergence of free…
Waterfront Dialectics Rome and its Region Facing Climate Change Impacts
One of the most complex discussions concerning climate emergency is the sustainable water management. How to…
Utopia and Marginality: Habitability on the Edge of Valparaíso
An essay by Jorge Ferrada Herrera
Utopía y marginalidad. Habitabilidad en el margen de Valparaíso Un ensayo de Jorge Ferrada Herrera El…
Port Systems in Global Competition Spatial-Economic Perspectives on the Co-Development of Seaports Connectivity in Modern Times
With regards the international trade that is carried most by sea, each port can be conceived…
Mediterranean Port Cities Connectivity in Modern Times
Readers interested in Mediterranean studies have encountered a multitude of visions and orientations over the last…
ESPO at 30: Ports looking into future
La European Seaports Association (ESPO) acaba de dar a luz la publicación: “ESPO at 30: Ports…
Mediterraneo The Passenger, per esploratori del mondo
Il mare Mediterraneo, dal latino «in mezzo alle terre», evoca classicità, contaminazioni e clima mite immaginando…
Handbook of Waterfront Cities and Urbanism
Handbook of Waterfront Cities and Urbanism is the first resource to address cities’ transformations of their…
Hidrovía, plataforma competitiva para el desarrollo. Del siglo XIX al XXI
La Hidrovía es una cuestión trascendente y de acuciante complejidad para la Argentina y la región.…
European Port Cities and Urban Regeneration
Exploring Cultural and Sporting Mega Events at the Water’s Edge
“The 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona are widely considered to have been a game changer for…
Venezia. Alter Mundus The “Great Beauty” of Venice in the Images of Alessandra Chemollo
Dedicated to those who will come after us…The ancient Venetians invented, day after day, their life…
Port City Atlas Mapping European Port City Territories: From Understanding to Design
The Atlas, that is part of the series on the Urbanization of the Sea and the…