The International Ports, Maritime and Coastal Infrastructure Conference is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation…
Editorial Team of PORTUS
All its articles
Urban Blue Spaces. Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being
Edited By Simon Bell, Lora E. Fleming, James Grellier, Friedrich Kuhlmann, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Mathew P.…
PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 42, December 2021, Year XXIISSN 2282-5789…
Seville embraces its Port in the new Urban and Port District Interview with Rafael CARMONA RUIZ
Sevilla abraza a su Puerto en el nuevo Districto Urbano y Portuario Entrevista con Rafael CARMONA…
16th edition GreenPort Cruise & Congress
Piraeus (Greece) | 20-22 October 2021 The 16th edition of GreenPort Cruise & Congress will take…
IAPH World Port Conference 2021
Antwerp (Belgium) | 23 – 25 June, 2021 The annual IAPH World Ports Conference assesses the…
17 Biennale Architettura, Venezia 2021 HOW WILL WE LIVE TOGETHER?
Venice (Italy) | 22 may – 21 November, 2021 La 17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia…
PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 41, May 2021, Year XXIISSN 2282-5789…
Porto di Salerno. Una storia lunga dieci secoli
“…Salerno appare come una città dalle antiche tradizioni marinare e dal fiero passato evocato dal suo…
Mettre en récit l’urbanité des métropoles portuaires
Architecture et mondialisation des formes urbaines : Gênes, Le Havre, New York (1945-2015) Accélération de la…
PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 40, October 2020, Year XXISSN 2282-5789…
PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 39, May 2020, Year XXISSN 2282-5789…
PORTUSPort-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment The Magazine of RETEN. 38, November 2019, Year XIXISSN 2282-5789…
BOOK REVIEW: Sustainable Port Clusters and Economic Development
This book addresses the strategic alignment between port authorities and their supply chain partners, with a…
BOOK REVIEW: Urban Ports and Harbor Management Responding to Change along U.S. Waterfronts
The essays in this book, first published in 1988, explore the changes that have occurred in…