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Port of Santander Management Team Lays the Foundations for Strategic Analysis of Port-City Relationship

El equipo directivo del Puerto de Santander sienta las bases para el análisis estratégico de las…

The 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona. The First Time that a Women’s Regatta of this Level has Been Planned and Held
Interview with Aurora CATÀ SALA, Vice President of the America’s Cup Event Barcelona

La 37ª Copa América en Barcelona. La primera vez que se plantea y celebra una regata…

The 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona. Port Vell Becomes Even More Attractive to the Citizens
Interview with Jordi VALLS RIERA, Deputy Mayor for Economy, Finance, Economic Promotion and Tourism, Barcelona City Council

La 37ª Copa América en Barcelona. Port Vell se vuelve aún más atractivo para la ciudadanía…

The 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona. An Opportunity to Demonstrate and Showcase the Commitment, Flexibility and Experience of the Port Community, without which it would not have been possible
Interview with José Alberto CARBONELL, President of the Port Authority of Barcelona

La 37ª Copa América en Barcelona. Una oportunidad para demostrar y poner en valor el compromiso,…

Ports Cannot Afford to Waste the Enormous Potential that Women Represent in their Activity

Los puertos no pueden permitirse el lujo de desaprovechar el enorme potencial que representa la mujer…

ESPO at 30: Ports looking into future

La European Seaports Association (ESPO) acaba de dar a luz la publicación: “ESPO at 30: Ports…

European Ports are Very Clear that Sustainability is the Roadmap
Interview with Gerardo LANDALUCE CALLEJA, President of the Algeciras Bay Port Authority

Los puertos europeos tenemos muy claro que la sostenibilidad es la hoja de ruta Entrevista con…

Challenges and Opportunities in Algeciras. Relevant Factors for the Relationship Between Port and City
Interview with José Ignacio LANDALUCE CALLEJA, Mayor of the Algeciras City Council

Retos y oportunidades en Algeciras. Factores relevantes para la relación puerto-ciudad Entrevista con José Ignacio LANDALUCE…

Many of the Largest European Ports Show Great Sensitivity for Excellence in the Relationship with their Cities

Muchos de los mayores puertos europeos manifiestan una gran sensibilidad por la excelencia en la relación…

The Innovation Districts in Port Environments Strengthens Port City Relationship

Los Distritos de Innovación en los entornos portuarios fortalecen las relaciones puerto ciudad El REPORT de…

The Port City of Matosinhos and Port of Leixões
Interview with Emílio BROGUEIRA DIAS, President of the Leixões Port Community

A Cidade portuária de Matosinhos e o Porto de Leixões Entrevista com Emílio BROGUEIRA DIAS, Presidente…

New Challenges for the Port of Leixões
Interview with João Pedro NEVES, President of the Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo

Novos desafios para o Porto de Leixões Entrevista com João Pedro NEVES, Presidente da Administração dos…

Matosinhos. City (of) Future
Interview with Luísa SALGUEIRO, Mayor of Matosinhos City Hall

Matosinhos. Cidade (de) futuro Entrevista com Luísa SALGUEIRO, Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos Muito obrigado…

The Technological Innovation Districts: New “Icons” of the Urban-Port Waterfronts?

¿Los distritos tecnológicos de innovación: nuevos “iconos” de los frentes urbano – portuarios? Desde que se…

Digitalization, automatization and impact of new technologies on the port-city relationships (and II)

La digitalización, automatización y el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en las relaciones puerto-ciudad (y II)…

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