Los puertos no pueden permitirse el lujo de desaprovechar el enorme potencial que representa la mujer…
Ph.D Civil Engineer. Managing Partner of ESTRADA PORT CONSULTING S.L.. Barcelona, Spain. Director of PORTUS Magazine.
Ph.D Civil Engineer. He is currently Managing Partner of the ESTRADA PORT CONSULTING S.L. company, dedicated to port consultancy. He was President of RETE and he´s currently Honorary Member of the Association and member of its Scientific Committee and Director of PORTUS Magazine.
All its articles
ESPO at 30: Ports looking into future
La European Seaports Association (ESPO) acaba de dar a luz la publicación: “ESPO at 30: Ports…
Many of the Largest European Ports Show Great Sensitivity for Excellence in the Relationship with their Cities
Muchos de los mayores puertos europeos manifiestan una gran sensibilidad por la excelencia en la relación…
The Innovation Districts in Port Environments Strengthens Port City Relationship
Los Distritos de Innovación en los entornos portuarios fortalecen las relaciones puerto ciudad El REPORT de…
The Port City of Matosinhos and Port of Leixões Interview with Emílio BROGUEIRA DIAS, President of the Leixões Port Community
A Cidade portuária de Matosinhos e o Porto de Leixões Entrevista com Emílio BROGUEIRA DIAS, Presidente…
New Challenges for the Port of Leixões Interview with João Pedro NEVES, President of the Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo
Novos desafios para o Porto de Leixões Entrevista com João Pedro NEVES, Presidente da Administração dos…
Matosinhos. City (of) Future Interview with Luísa SALGUEIRO, Mayor of Matosinhos City Hall
Matosinhos. Cidade (de) futuro Entrevista com Luísa SALGUEIRO, Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos Muito obrigado…
The Technological Innovation Districts: New “Icons” of the Urban-Port Waterfronts?
¿Los distritos tecnológicos de innovación: nuevos “iconos” de los frentes urbano – portuarios? Desde que se…
Digitalization, automatization and impact of new technologies on the port-city relationships (and II)
La digitalización, automatización y el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en las relaciones puerto-ciudad (y II)…
The digital divide in ports: a great threat to their competitiveness
La brecha digital en los puertos: una gran amenaza para su competitividad En el numero anterior…
RoRo and Ferry Ship Terminals
Terminales para buques RoRo y Ferry En el presente número de PORTUS trataremos de las terminales…
Today, more than ever, collaboration between administrations it becomes necessary to achieve the best integration of ports with their environment Interview with Álvaro RODRÍGUEZ DAPENA, President of Organismo Público Puertos del Estado
Hoy más que nunca se hace necesaria la colaboración entre administraciones para lograr la mejor integración…
The port of Viana do Castelo in its interrelationships with the territory Interview with Nuno ARAÚJO, President of the Board Directors, Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo
O porto de Viana do Castelo nas suas inter-relações com o território Entrevista com Nuno ARAÚJO,…