Todo esto, gracias a la bonanza económica derivada del café y la construcción del majestuoso Muelle…
Ignacio Salomón Consuegra Bolívar
Architect, Master in Social Business Management from the Simón Bolívar University and a PhD from the University of Granada (Spain) in Heritage Management and Conservation. Simón Bolivar University. Barranquilla, Colombia
He was born in Barranquilla, Colombia on March 31, 1957. He is a professional in architecture from the Universidad del Atlántico. Master in Social Business Management from the Simón Bolívar University and a PhD from the University of Granada (Spain) in Heritage Management and Conservation. He is currently an opinion cartoonist and Vice Chancellor of infrastructure, Simón Bolívar University of Barranquilla. In 2010 he was columnist for the newspaper El Heraldo de Barranquilla.