The Role of Women’s Associations to Achieve Greater Participation of Women in the Maritime, Port, Foreign Trade and Logistics Sector in Peru

10 Giugno, 2024

Context and Background

In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the aim of eradicating poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all and established as Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5), “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.” It is also important to mention that women and girls represent half of the world’s population and half of its potential.

This SDG 5 was established because gender equality is not only a fundamental right but because it is also said that gender equality is one of the essential foundations to build a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world [1]. In this same sense, according to studies carried out in countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the increase in the participation of women in the labor force produces faster economic growth. The increase in women’s education women and girls contributes to greater economic growth.

Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. (Source:

In this context, it is worth asking ourselves what is the participation of women in the maritime, port, foreign trade and logistics sectors. It is said that today women represent 1.2% of the global seafaring workforce [2]. However, even though this percentage is small, there would have been, according to the “Seafarer Workforce Report” of BIMCO and the International Chamber of Shipping, a positive increase because it is estimated that 24,059 women provide services as seafarers, which means an increase 45.8% compared to the 2015 report [3].

In this sense, it is important to recognize that already in 1974, there was a group of women that, with the purpose of achieving greater participation of women in the Sector, was established and gave rise to WISTA (Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association). WISTA International has sought since its creation and throughout all the years to promote the increase in competition and inclusion of women in the Sector through four principles: professionalism, dynamism, open minded, commitment and dedication.

Today WISTA has 3800 members and is made up of 56 National Associations in various Countries in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Oceania [4].

The work that WISTA International has been doing and is doing as an association to achieve greater participation of women in a predominantly male sector has been very important and has allowed the foundations to be laid so that the various national associations can continue with this challenge with the support of WISTA and taking as reference the lessons learned with the various WISTA associations worldwide.

Indeed, since 2018, WISTA International has been a consultative body of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and this allows it, through this status, to promote diversity, inclusion and the empowerment of women in the Sector.

It is also important to recognize, in this sense, the work that the IMO has been carrying out since 1998 with its gender program, which has allowed greater access for women to maritime training, more employment opportunities in the sector and the creation of women’s associations in the maritime sector such as Red MAMLa, WOMESA, WiMAC.

Visit of WISTA Peru members to the Port of Chancay Peru. (Source: WISTA Perú).

The IMO Women in Maritime program has three pillars: training, visibility and recognition [5].

Among the most important actions carried out by the IMO we can mention:

  • In relation to training: the SheEO maritime leadership support programme, IMO scholarships for women (training courses) and support for women in IMO global maritime training institutions.
  • In relation to visibility: since 2021, May 18 has been established as the “International Day of Women in the Maritime Sector”. Together with WISTA International, it created a platform called “Maritime Speakers Bureau” where there is a global database of women experts in the Sector so that they can be considered as speakers and thus guarantee that conferences and events in the Sector have greater participation. of women and diversity is promoted.

Likewise, in 2021, she conducted a survey with WISTA International in order to examine the proportion and distribution of women working in the maritime sector [6].

  • Regarding recognition: it has been approved to grant an IMO award for gender equality with the purpose of granting international recognition to people who have contributed significantly to the advancement of gender equality and the empowerment of women. in the maritime sector.

As can be seen from the above, the important work that both WISTA International and the IMO have been carrying out has laid the foundations and established a roadmap so that the various associations at the global and national level can continue to join forces to promote greater participation of women in the Sector.

Current Situation in Peru, Challenges and Possible Actions to Achieve Greater Participation of Women in the Sector

It is said that Peru has experienced economic growth that has improved the quality of life and opportunities of the population. However, inequality between women and men continues to be one of the main challenges to achieving sustainable development. In this scenario and in order to be able to face this challenge, the Peruvian Government has established a legal framework composed mainly of Law No. 28983, Law of equal opportunities between women and men, the approved National Gender Equality Policy through Supreme Decree No. 008-2019-MIMP and a Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Gender Equality.

Faced with this and with the purpose of being able to join efforts and promote greater participation of women and future generations in the Sector, WISTA Peru was established in 2018 with 11 founding members. There were many challenges that had to be faced, but today after 6 years of creation with 80 members from the public and private sector, it can be said that WISTA Peru is considered a benchmark in the Sector due to all the work that has been done. through its Boards of Directors, Committees, practice areas and its partners. Various mentoring programs have been carried out, agreements signed with the private and public sectors, seminars, national and international conferences, social responsibility activities, among others.

WISTA Peru V Anniversary. (Source: WISTA Perú).

It is also important to highlight the work being carried out by other women’s associations such as WINS and AMECOMEX, founded and chaired by two of our members, who have been carrying out various actions and opening more paths and opportunities for more women and future generations in the Sector.

With the work that has been carried out by WISTA International, the IMO, WISTA Peru, WINS, AMECOMEX and the results that have been obtained, the importance of the role of women’s associations in achieving greater diversity in the Sector has been demonstrated. However, there are still several challenges that must be faced. Among the most important challenges and some actions that can be carried out to address them, we can highlight the following:

Visit of WISTA Peru members to the APMT Callao Peru. (Source: WISTA Perú).


The work carried out by WISTA International and the IMO have laid the foundations and established a roadmap so that the various national women’s associations worldwide and in Peru can contribute with their work to promote greater diversity and participation of women in the sector.

In the case of Peru, much progress has been made and WISTA Peru is considered today as a benchmark in the Sector, but there are still several challenges that must be faced to achieve the objective of obtaining greater diversity in our Sector. In this sense, it is necessary to be able to continue joining efforts with the other women’s associations in our country and to be able to jointly face the challenges and thus achieve greater diversity in the Sector, which will contribute to achieving a more sustainable industry and with greater opportunities also for future generations.

HEAD IMAGE | Founding Members of WISTA Peru. (Source: WISTA Peru).


[1] See ”Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible” in:
[2] See “Las Mujeres en el Sector Marítimo” in:
[3] See information about the BIMCO/ICS Seafarer Workforce Report in:
[4] See more information about WISTA in:
[5] See “Las Mujeres en el Sector Marítimo” in:
[6] The results of the Survey carried out by the IMO and WISTA can be seen at the following link:

Article reference for citation:

REPETTO, Miriam Sara. “The Role of Women's Associations to Achieve Greater Participation of Women in the Maritime, Port, Foreign Trade and Logistics Sector in Peru”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

REPETTO, Miriam Sara. “El rol de las asociaciones femeninas para la participación de la mujer en el sector marítimo, portuario, comercio exterior y logístico en Perú”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

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