PORTUSplus promote the Multidisciplinary Approach in the Scientific Research
Call for Papers “Research Themes” 2025 now open

PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is…

PORTUSplus contribute to the understanding and advancement of waterway port cities
Submissions for a Special Issue “Waterway Port Cities. Navigating Challenges and Harnessing Potentials”

PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is…

Port of Santander Management Team Lays the Foundations for Strategic Analysis of Port-City Relationship

El equipo directivo del Puerto de Santander sienta las bases para el análisis estratégico de las…

The 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona. Managing Multiculturalism and Implementing Environmental and Sustainable Measures

La 37ª Copa América en Barcelona. Gestión de la multiculturalidad e implantación de medidas medioambientales y…

The 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona. Olympic Port Begins a New Phase with the Blue Economy and Sustainability at the Heart of its Strategy

La 37ª Copa América en barcelona. El Port Olímpic inicia una nueva etapa con la economía…

“Italy and Spain: Bilateral Meeting between Ports and Cities” at the Naples Shipping Week 2024

“Italia e Spagna: Incontro Bilaterale tra Porti e Città” alla Naples Shipping Week 2024 Il Convegno…

Ports Committed to their Cities

“El compromiso es lo que convierte una promesa en realidad”.Abraham Lincoln “El compromiso abre las puertas…

Bahia Blanca (Argentina). Waste Management in the Shrimp and Prawn National Festival

Bahía Blanca (Argentina). Gestión de residuos en la Fiesta Nacional del Camarón y el Langostino Emplazamiento…

PORTUSplus promote the Multidisciplinary Approach in the Scientific Research
Call for Papers “Research Themes” | Deadline: September 30, 2024 

PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is…

Ports Cannot Afford to Waste the Enormous Potential that Women Represent in their Activity

Los puertos no pueden permitirse el lujo de desaprovechar el enorme potencial que representa la mujer…

The Waterfront of Catania and the Larmisi Cliff

Il lungomare di Catania e la scogliera Larmisi Negli ultimi decenni la dismissione di infrastrutture portuali…

Catanese Cuisine Between Tradition and Sustainability

La cucina catanese tra tradizione e sostenibilità Catania è stretta nell’abbraccio tra la montagna e il…

Destination Catania: The Effects of Nautical Tourism and the Role of Environmental Sustainability on the Port and City

Destinazione Catania: le ricadute del turismo nautico e il ruolo della sostenibilità ambientale sul porto e…

From the Port to the City: Perspectives for a New Dialogue

Dal porto alla città: prospettive per un nuovo dialogo Da circa un ventennio, ormai, gli scali…

Territory dynamics. Nature Based Solutions – New definitions of thousand-year-old good practices

Dinamiche del territorio. Nature Based Solutions – Nuove definizioni di millenarie buone pratiche L’impatto dell’Etna: il…

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