The Forthcoming EU Port Strategy at the ESPO Conference 2025
Thessaloniki, Greece | 8 and 9 May 2025

The 21th edition of the Annual Conference of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) will take…

“Port Cities. Integrative Urbanism” Summer Courses of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA)
La Rábida, Huelva | July 10 – 11, 2024

The course, promoted by the School of Architecture of Seville and RETE, aims to establish a…

“Net-Zero, Resilient and Competitive Ports: Acting Now to Deliver Tomorrow” ESPO Conference 2024
Paris, France | 25 and 26 April 2024

The 20th edition of the Annual Conference of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) will take…

PORTRAIT of Matosinhos

PORTRAIT de Matosinhos Introdução O Portrait de Matosinhos é composto por 3 entrevistas e 11 artigos…

El espíritu de nueva época en las ciudades portuarias latinoamericanas

En las últimas décadas la visión de habitar las ciudades estuvo marcada tanto por la atractiva…

Port Cities and Crisis: Reflections on What Covid-19 Revealed

It is a commonplace to say that crisis reveal latent strengths and weaknesses. When the COVID-19…

Valdivia: transformaciones en humedales urbanos y fluviales a escala humana

Desde el terremoto de 1960, la ciudad de Valdivia quedó en un estado de letargo permanente…

Smart and resilient cities and ports. Perspectives for Hamburg

Especially port cities have demonstrated in the past the capability to prepare for, to respond to,…

Motores y tendencias de cambio en la ciudad portuaria. Mapping 2035. Reflexiones

Comentaba Francisco Jarauta en una conferencia sobre el “Futuro de las Ciudades” [1], que ya en 1970…

The corporate and socioeconomic base of Porto and its region

When in 1834 it was formalized to create the Porto Commercial Association, one already premeditated the…

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