Buenos Aires (Argentina). Public Space and Redevelopment in the Puerto Sur Jurisdiction

Buenos Aires (Argentina) Espacio público y refuncionalización en la jurisdicción de Puerto Sur Emplazamiento Vista satelital…

Bay Area’s Innovation Waterfronts: Public Space as “Productive” Space

The Bay Area is no stranger to technology and innovation-driven development, with Silicon Valley still accounting…

Archipelago of Knowledge. A Diffuse Campus

The Archipelago of Knowledge is a new spatial strategy for the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands,…

Images of Port-City Rotterdam, Through the Mental Mapping Methods

Imagine: You are asked to draw a port-city from memory. What would you put on paper?…

Desafíos del diseño y la planificación de espacios públicos de borde río en la ciudad de Valdivia, Chile

Si en otros tiempos los ríos de Valdivia cumplieron funciones defensivas, de transporte y económicas importantes,…

Port as Public Space: the Thames River Heritage Park New London and Groton, Connecticut

We seem to be witnessing a growing spatial and ideological split between the heritage of historic…

El Puerto de Veracruz y su entorno urbano histórico. Plaza de la República y Gran Plaza Malecón

La Villa Rica de la VeraCruz fue fundada por Hernán Cortés y su tripulación un Viernes…

Reabilitação do espaço público na Frente Ribeirinha da Baixa Pombalina: Terreiro do Paço e Cais do Sodré/Corpo Santo

A regeneração e requalificação da frente ribeirinha da baixa pombalina, correspondente à faixa compreendida entre as…

O Museu de Arte, Arquitectura e Tecnologia: um novo espaço público no Porto de Lisboa

Seja por condições naturais ou por acção humana, os portos são espaços privilegiados de relação com…

Porto, spazio pubblico e città metropolitana

Il ripensamento del travagliato rapporto tra città e porto sollecita una visione strategica e un pragmatismo…

Port and City. An approach to the study of new urban port role from its perception as node and place

The city port has a particularly privileged value in the interpretation of the concept of the…

Estonoesunsolar: urban acupuncture and sustainable regeneration

After many surveys focusing on the Old Town part of Zaragoza made from 2004, different serious…

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