Todavía nadie sabe, en el momento de escribir este Editorial (20/04/2020), cuando ni como terminará la…
Port Cities
PROCIP: Decade One
The Integral Research Program for the Development of Port Cities (acronym in Spanish as PROCIP) celebrates…
Patrimonio urbano edificado en ciudades portuarias, como aporte a la regeneración urbana en Talcahuano, Chile
Durante el siglo XX, como en muchas ciudades portuarias, los cambios en la matriz económica de…
Port Said, as paradigm of potentials for recovering Port heritages alongside Suez Canal
The relation between ports and cities has been studied from so many perspectives and going through…
La gobernanza en las relaciones puerto-ciudad: el caso del puerto de Santander. El desarrollo del “Proyecto Frente Marítimo Portuario Santander” en el período 2010-2018
A lo largo de los últimos 15 años del pasado siglo se vinieron desarrollando en el…
Port concessions and impacts on the development of the port cities of Costa Rica
Costa Rica has little experience in concessions and public-private partnerships (PPP), especially when it is compared…
The Open Sea as the Last Best Escape: Yachts and the freedom of the ocean
Seascapes In the summer, the Amalfi Coast offers gorgeous views of dangerously steep roads, narrow streets…
Spaces of Flows – Spaces of Friction: Planning the intersections
The recent flooding in Houston, Texas, caused by Hurricane Harvey, underscores the need for citizens, politicians,…
Oil in Oil (and Other Art Media): Painting the Petroleum Port
The oil industry depends on water both for the refining process and for transportation, so many…
Ciudades puerto: tres reflexiones sobre cómo potenciar ciudades de cara al agua
El acelerado proceso de urbanización a nivel mundial, ha dado lugar a una era en la…
Universities and Ports Cities: Stumbling Block, Place Filler or Innovation Hub?
In 1911, under the aegis of Hamburg’s General Lecture system, an academic lecture hall was inaugurated…
Writing Port Cities
In Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino famously imagined Marco Polo describing imaginary cities to Kublai Khan. Reflecting…