Seafarer Training as a Social Resource from Sicily to Europe

14 Giugno, 2024

Training of Seafarers

Maritime transport is one of the pillars of international trade, enabling the mobility of goods around the world. Therefore, the maritime industry is often the basis of the economy of many coastal communities, on which they depend. An essential role in the functioning of the maritime industry is played by seafarers, who are a globally significant social and economic resource. Having a skilled workforce increases operational efficiency and promotes the development of the industry itself, as well as the economy at different levels. Therefore, training seafarers not only supports the maritime industry, but also has a positive impact on safety, environmental sustainability, economy and the development of coastal cities, making it a highly valuable social resource.

The Activities of the ITS Sustainable Mobility Transportation Foundation of Catania

In this area, the ITS Sustainable Mobility Transport Foundation of Catania works. It is a post-secondary level institute that operates in parallel with academic courses, was founded in 2010 and has been a protagonist, since 2016, in the training of higher technicians in the fields of sustainable mobility and transport.

The three cornerstones on which the Institute’s activities are based are excellence, training and perseverance in facing increasingly demanding challenges, promoting a method that combines study and work, on the strength of more than 700 young people who have graduated and entered the world of work and the close relationship with a city, Catania, with a strong commercial tradition and movement of men and means in the Mediterranean.

Young people involved in academic courses dedicated to the sea and navigation gathered together on the occasion of one of the events promoted by the ITS Foundation. (Source: ITS – Sustainable Mobility Transport;

There are five active training courses, from those specifically dedicated to the maritime sector, such as the one in “Higher Technician for the Mobility of People and Goods”, which is made explicit in the professional figures of Officer grade, able to deal with the conduction of merchant ships in the engine room and deck area. Dedicated to the important area of maintenance, on the other hand, is the course in “Superior Technician for the production and maintenance of means of transport and/or related infrastructure”, while one of the courses with the highest growth rates, driven by market demands, is the course in “Onboard Services”, which trains both figures more related to on-board hotellerie and stewards in charge of handling practices related to the movement of people on board.
There is no shortage of more transversal courses such as the one in “Superior Technician for Sustainable Infomobility and Logistics Facilities” and the recently opened “Energy Manager”.

The students of the ITS of Catania at the “LET Expo” in Verona in 2022. (Source: ITS – Sustainable Mobility Transport;

If the naval component is the dominant one, thanks in part to the presence, among the founding members and participants of the Foundation, of the Compagnia di Navigazione Caronte & Tourist that of many other companies present in the logistics and transport area completes the chain.  Also the particular liveliness of the sector from the employment point of view, with the possibility for members to quickly move from internship experience on board ships (12 months of boarding guaranteed through agreements with Grimaldi, Elettra, Marnavi, Caronte, Perseveranza Spa and Corsica and Sardinia ferries) to employment contracts with decidedly attractive levels of remuneration is a strength.

One of the presentation events of the Politecnico del Mare courses promoted by the ITS of Catania. (Source: ITS – Sustainable Mobility Transport;

The vocational courses have a duration of four semesters and include classroom lectures, laboratory experiences and, in the case of the maritime-oriented courses, a training period on board ships lasting a total of 12 non-continuous months, with the qualification of Midshipman, corresponding to the training for admission to the examination for the professional title of Officer.

Developing an educational offer that intercepts the needs of the labor market and guarantees high levels of employment is at the heart of ITS’s thoughts: precisely for this reason, thanks also to the important funding received within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR, great impetus will be given to the introduction on much of the Sicilian territory of the technical specialization courses that have already obtained important feedback at the national level.

The new Academic Year will see the ITS Sustainable Mobility Transport of Catania engaged in opening new academic locations in Trapani, Messina, Ragusa, Syracuse, and Caltanissetta, meeting the demands of businesses and the territory, intercepting new pools of potential students and creating the conditions to further develop the potential of a sector, the naval one, in strong growth. A growth that must be nurtured by high-level professional figures, updated on new technologies and sustainability, two key points of the courses organized with great success by the Institute of Catania.

The “Interconnessi alla Sostenibilità” conference dedicated to sea issues and the environmental impact due to activities related to the transport and movement of people and goods, promoted by ITS and the Duca degli Abruzzi Nautical Institute in 2019, with the participation of the Polytechnic of the Sea and the Mediterranean Academy of Logistics and Merchant Navy. (Source: ITS – Sustainable Mobility Transport;

It is precisely thanks to the important results obtained with regard to employment ratios, as high as 100% for the maritime sector and 90-95% for logistics and maintenance, that 10 million euros were obtained to be invested in new projects and 17 million euros on laboratories and new training offerings: an important asset that will be invested in the territory to continue on the path of growth in which ITS Catania students have been and continue to be protagonists.

The trust of families, students and partner companies are the most important recognition of the goodness of the work and underline the importance of the action of a highly qualified teaching staff and an administrative apparatus that does not limit itself to bureaucratic aspects but supports students in their activities, with a strong component of counseling and personalized orientation services.

The relationship with the business world is also a source of great pride; the great collaboration and fluidity in total agreement on objectives and dialogue are continuous in order to always be one step ahead of the evolution of the world of work marked towards sustainability issues. All courses of study are supported by advanced technologies to ensure that enrollees have a thorough knowledge of ecological issues related to the maritime world, a need that stems from the European Union but which is immediately reflected in the world of work, both with regard to courses for Merchant Navy Officers and for all technical figures (logistics, maintenance).

Navigation Officer Cadets in a souvenir photo together with the Councilor for Education and Professional Training of the Municipality of Catania, Roberto Lagalla, and the Director of the ITS Foundation, Brigida Morsellino. (Source: ITS – Sustainable Mobility Transport;

The offer was also enriched, during the Academic Year that has just ended, by a new course in Energy Manager, whose participants are completing internships and are all destined for immediate employment, a further demonstration that the right skills make it possible to successfully respond to the demands of the labor market.

ITS Sustainable Mobility Transports Catania therefore presents itself at the appointment with the new Academic Year on the strength of a decade of growth and successes, with the ambitious goal of doubling its enrollment reaching 500 by 2025, thanks not only to the availability of a new headquarters that will replace the spaces at the Duca degli Abruzzi (reference school), but also to the decentralization project, thanks to which many new Sicilian boys and girls will be able to access study paths with obvious employment feedback.

HEAD IMAGE | Study and monitoring activities in the maritime transport. (Source: ITS – Sustainable Mobility Transport;


[1] The Foundation is part of a network of 21 Istituti Tecnici Superiori (Higher Technical Institutes) present throughout Italy, special high-tech facilities that offer the possibility of obtaining a Higher Technical Diploma with consequent access to the world of work in the field of transportation and sustainable mobility.

Article reference for citation:

MORSELLINO, Brigida. “Seafarer Training as a Social Resource from Sicily to Europe”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

MORSELLINO, Brigida. “La formazione dei marittimi come risorsa sociale dalla Sicilia in Europa”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.

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