El crecimiento demográfico ilimitado y la nueva complejidad de la Metrópoli latinoamericana
El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) publicó el año 2014 un muy amplio y esencial informe denominado “La próxima despensa ...

Megacity of Lima (Peru) struggles for future water supply
After a long period of economic stagnation and political turmoil, Peru shows some stability and economic growth to reassure investors ...

Emission control areas: effective tool for port-cities
What is the most effective port-city policy? A straight-forward question, but not an easy one to answer. There are three ...

La transformación de la Bahía de La Habana II. Congreso Iberoamericano de Suelo Urbano: “Valorización del suelo en los frentes de agua”
El II Congreso Iberoamericano de Suelo Urbano, (II CISU) [1] se celebró en La Habana (Cuba), del 10 al 12 ...

The All London Green Grid – from East London’s Docklands to a strategy for the public space
This column aims at discovering harbours from a landscape perspective, which means extending our view beyond the delimited harbour area ...

Un puerto efímero en la gran aventura de Shackleton
Se cumple un siglo de una de las mayores gestas en la historia de los grandes exploradores. La odisea de ...

Our Mediterranean Africa
In Halq al-Wādī there is “La Marine” Cafè where – despite of the long waiting times – you can enjoy ...

Without making noise. Journey in Porto Vecchio
In silence and discretion, the digital eye of the photographer from Trieste Neva Gasparo investigated, recorded and analyzed over a ...

Chronia travels around the earth between time and space. She jumps from north to south, from east to west, from ...

Re-imagining public spaces. New development opportunities on the water
Since the nineteenth century, the industrial revolution has produced substantial transformations in the urban structure, closely related to the technological ...

Interview – The man who brought containerisation to Europe
Mr. Jean-Claude Morel is perhaps the most experienced person I have ever met, given his long carrier in the transport ...