European Maritime Spatial Planning Week
Marseille, France | 22 – 24 October 2024

30 Giugno, 2024

Reflect on the achievements made in MSP across European seas, discuss current policies, and strategise the next steps forward, this the objectives of the European Maritime Spatial Planning Week, that take place by 22nd to 24th October 2024 in Marseille – France.

A conference, structured around two days of interlinked panels and working sessions, explores the evolving landscape of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and offers a unique opportunity for stakeholders from industry, civil society, the public sector, and academia to come together. The event brings together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders from across the European Union and beyond, to foster dialogue, share best practices, and chart a course towards more integrated and sustainable maritime planning.

The participants will be engaged in a interesting debate about the role that MSP can play in strengthening the marine dimension of the European Green Deal (EGD). With the aim to explore the future challenges and opportunities, highlighting the critical role of stakeholder engagement, regional cooperation, and innovative technologies, leading experts and stakeholders in MSP will be invited during the five session of the conference to analyze the accomplishments of the last decade, lessons learnt and opportunities.

Insights and discussions will cover not only the impact of the European Green Deal on MSP, but also a range of priority topics, in particular the integration of climate-smart trends and cutting-edge technologies, how MSP plans are being updated to address contemporary issues and multi-use conflicts,  benefits and challenges of data-driven innovations like digital twins for marine environments. The results from the conference will be presented to EU, national and regional institutions.

More Information available on:

Full Agenda available on:

Article reference for citation:

Editorial Team of PORTUS, European Maritime Spatial Planning Week, PORTUS Magazine n. 47, June 2024, Year XXIV, RETE Publisher, Venice, ISSN 2282-5789.

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