Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries
Manila (Philippines) | 16 – 20 November 2020

The success of the First International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC), held in Colombo Sri Lanka in March 1983, resulted in the subsequent holding of this special conference series once every four years in a developing country. Successful conferences were held in Beijing – China (September 1987), Mombasa – Kenya (September 1991), Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (September 1995), Cape Town – South Africa (April 1999), Colombo – Sri Lanka (September 2003), Dubai – UAE (February 2008), Chennai – India (February 2012) and Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (October 2016).
The Tenth International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC X) will be held in Manila, the Philippines in on 16-20 November 2020 under the aegis of the Philippine Ports Authority.
The event theme “Enhancing Waterborne Transport and Sustainable Coastal Development” is indeed timely as the Philippines and other developing nations address a myriad of port issues ranging from climate change impact to cyber security and logistics efficiency.
Local and international port planners, engineers, as well as experts from the academe, business and industry will be share their knowledge and experience in a weeklong event full of technical presentations, dialogue and collaboration that aim to provide solutions and implementation strategies going into the future.
Technical tours and social events will also be arranged during the Conference week. Pre-conference tours to interesting places in and around Manila and other places of interest in Manila will be arranged.
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