walking on Water. A timeless dream that this year, for just 16 days, more than 1,200,000…
Livorno, the Port Center for a new port-city integration
“Livorno is an example of how integration and cultural contamination could reach levels of excellence and…
The Venice Arsenal, from forbidden city to new urban pole
A construction site in constant evolution, a space in constant transformation, since 1300. This is the…
Without making noise. Journey in Porto Vecchio
In silence and discretion, the digital eye of the photographer from Trieste Neva Gasparo investigated, recorded…
“The Atlantic is the classic ocean of our imaginings, an industrial ocean of cold and iron…
The Humpback Whale (Ballina Whalers)
Fifty-six I sailed on board A ship called Byron One She’s carried trawler men on deck…
The long and dangerous journey, the endless exile, the troubled, difficult and ingenious adventure of Ulysses’…