Nam-kyu Park (Author) Description A smart port is defined as a port that uses technologies such…
Book Review
This section is dedicated to the review and/or report of literary, scientific and artistic publications on the topics of interest of the Magazine, for which some information and insights are provided, also through a short critical and interpretative evaluation text and/or a interview with the authors.
Port Economics, Management and Policy
Theo Notteboom, Athanasios Pallis and Jean-Paul Rodrigue (Edit by) Description Port Economics, Management and Policy is…
Part of Rotterdam
Part of Rotterdam is a retrospective on the work of the harbour painter Sasja Hagens (Utrecht…
Urban Blue Spaces. Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being
Edited By Simon Bell, Lora E. Fleming, James Grellier, Friedrich Kuhlmann, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Mathew P.…
A chi serve la città Riflessioni postume di Marina Dragotto
A chi serve la città. Questo è il tema sviluppato in una serie di riflessioni di…
A chi serve la città. Posthumous reflections by Marina Dragotto
Who is the city for? This is the theme developed in a several reflections on the…
El Port Vell de Barcelona
“Un caballo pintado a rayas no es una cebra” La frase es atribuida a Louis Kahn,…
Beyond the Port City. The Condition of Portuality and the Threshold Concept
The book, published in 2020, is the PhD path result of the author Beatrice Moretti at…
Porto di Salerno. Una storia lunga dieci secoli
“…Salerno appare come una città dalle antiche tradizioni marinare e dal fiero passato evocato dal suo…
Mettre en récit l’urbanité des métropoles portuaires
Architecture et mondialisation des formes urbaines : Gênes, Le Havre, New York (1945-2015) Accélération de la…
Cities & the Sea Port City Planning in Early Modern Europe
Originally published in 1978. Josef Konvitz provides a broad comparative study of European port cities since…
El Port de Barcelona. De la creació de la Junta d’Obres a l’actualitat 1869-2019
El libro conmemorativo firmado por Joan Alemany por el 150 aniversario del puerto de Barcelona, recoge…
I giornali di bordo. L’arte di raccontare i viaggi per mare
“Who would travel on the sea to never report anything and for the pleasure of seeing,…
BOOK REVIEW: Sustainable Port Clusters and Economic Development
This book addresses the strategic alignment between port authorities and their supply chain partners, with a…
BOOK REVIEW: Urban Ports and Harbor Management Responding to Change along U.S. Waterfronts
The essays in this book, first published in 1988, explore the changes that have occurred in…