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Search results for: A

Hester Aardse
 Architectural historian, advisor urban heritage. Municipal Department of Monuments and Archeology Amsterdam. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.... More >

Alejandro Abascal García
 Sports director of the High Performance Sailing Center Prncipe Felipe, Deputy Director of Santander 2014 ISAF Sailing World Championships and member of the Spanish Olympic Committee.... More >

Leonor ADAN
 Archaeologist, Ph.D. in History, mention in Ethnohistory, University of Chile. Head of the Community Engagement Directorate and Professor at the School of Archaeology. Austral University of Chile (UACh). Valdivia, Chile.... More >

 Professor of Early Modern History. Department of Civilt e Forme del Sapere (CFS), University of Pisa. Pisa, Italy.... More >

Ahmed Ades
 Architect, M.Sc in Architecture and Urban Design, MSc Student Urban Planning and Policy Design. Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, program of Urban Planning and Policy Design, Politecnico di Milano. Milan, Italy.... More >

 President of the Navigation Centre of Uruguay. Vice President of the Uruguayan Branch, Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law. Montevideo, Uruguay.... More >

Inmaculada Aguilar Civera
 Professor of Art History. Demetrio Ribes Chair, University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain.... More >


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