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Port Cities and Linguistic Plurality in the Central American Caribbean: History, Power and Resistance of Belize, Bluefields and Puerto Limón

Ciudades portuarias y pluralidad lingüística en el Caribe centroamericano: Historia, poder y resistencia de Belice, Bluefields…

Port Horizons: Interweaving Simmel, Castells and Sassen with Futurist Views in Urban Sociology

Horizontes portuarios: entretejiendo Simmel, Castells y Sassen con miradas futuristas en sociología urbana Introducción Introduction Las…

Economic and Social Development in Port Cities of Central America: An Updated Analysis

Desarrollo económico y social en ciudades portuarias de Centroamérica: un análisis actualizado Introducción Las ciudades portuarias…

Logistics Importance in the Port Cities Development

La importancia de la logística en el desarrollo de las ciudades portuarias La logística es una…

Cruises in Costa Rica

Cruceros en Costa Rica En Costa Rica puede hablarse de industria de cruceros a partir del…

Costa Rica: Coastal planning, port cities and natural resources

Costa Rica: planificación costera, ciudades portuarias y recursos naturales Costa Rica limita con dos cuerpos de…

Panama Canal / COVID-19: economical dynamics and regional impact

Adam Smith understood that, somewhere in Central America, there should be a passage linking the Atlantic…

Puntarenas, COVID-19 and “Parque el Muellero”

In Puntarenas, located on the Pacific Ocean coast of Costa Rica, an outstanding urban infrastructure project…

PROCIP: Decade One

The Integral Research Program for the Development of Port Cities (acronym in Spanish as PROCIP) celebrates…

Customs building of Puntarenas, Costa Rica

In 1814, Spain Crown decreed that the Port of Puntarenas was enabled (Zeledón 2017), with the…

The port heritage in Central America

Port infrastructure in Central America is scarce, and this has an impact on the competitiveness and…

Quepos: the pier and the city

It is night and it is hot, even the sea breeze feels hot. I’m sitting on…

Port concessions and impacts on the development of the port cities of Costa Rica

Costa Rica has little experience in concessions and public-private partnerships (PPP), especially when it is compared…

Puntarenas: re-thinking the port city

For more than a decade, I have dedicated myself to the study of port cities and,…

Puntarenas: Cruise trips and local impact of the tropical storm Nate

Costa Rica is located in a region of the world where storms and hurricanes are frequent…

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