The ability of ports to ensure efficient cargo transfers is one central dimension of their overall…
Justin Berli
Engineer in geomatics, cartographer. CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) - UMR 8504 Géographie-Cités. Paris, France
Engineer in Humanities and Social Sciences; currently in charge of developing GeoSeastems, an interactive platform to visualize maritime flows and of the conversion of OSM road data to a spatial graph to connect cities and ports. Working as a cartographer on the side. Holds a bachelor’s degree in oceanography-surveying, a master in geography specialized in geomatics and hydrology.
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Measuring land-sea interactions at ports and cities: insights from geomatics and network analysis
Geographers (Rimmer, 1967) and historians (Person, 1985) early addressed certain critiques to existing port-city and port-hinterland…