Metodología y estrategias generales para el plan de desarrollo sostenible integrado del Puerto de Sevilla en…
Partner in Charge of Citythinking S.L. and Director of Oficina Técnica del Distrito Urbano Portuario de Sevilla. Sevilla, Spain.
José María studied Architecture at the University of Seville. Together with Luis Ybarra he is founder and Partner in Charge at EDDEA. As responsible for the area of urban design and strategic town planning -CITYTHINKING -consulting firm with over 25 years of experience specialized in integral solutions for urban developments. He has led among others the design of the new sustainable and Master Plan in Moscow, for 20.000 affordable houses, and the Action Plan and Strategic Master Plan for the adjacent territories of the new touristic development of Thaghazout in Morocco. His team has also been involved in different projects in Poland, Rumania, Austria and Taiwan. Since 2017 he is also responsible for the development of Cityplain, a cloud computing tool for urban planning that tackles the global need for affordable housing within city extensions. Jose Maria has also extensive experience in the academic branch as lecturer and director of various courses related to business strategy and project management. Moreover, he is also a frequent speaker at forums and conferences in Spain, Europe and Russia.
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