[two_third] Muchísimo antes de que la ciudad de Málaga consiguiera su imponente aeropuerto actual, ya venía…
Fernando Huidobro Rein
Lawyer, gastronomic chronicler and vice-president of the andalusian academy of gastronomy and tourism.
Fernando Huidobro Rein, lawyer, gastronomic chronicler and vice-president of the andalusian academy of gastronomy and tourism. Gastronomic Activities: Partner “Gourmandalus, S.L.”. Production Events Gastronomy / GRS Andalucía; Cook´s Adviser: Dani García, Ángel León, Paco Morales; Vice-president of the Andalusian academy of gastronomy and tourism. Reporter and Columnist: El “SUR” (Newspaper) Málaga; “El Correo de Andalucía” (Newspaper) Sevilla; “Excelente” (Magazine); Blog 7 Caníbales; “Apicius”; Gastronomic Magazine. Books: Dani García. Cocina Contradición; “Dani García y la olla de Cristal”; Un cuento de Cocinación Andaluza”, Ángel León. “El Chef del Mar”. Culinary Congresses & Events: Andalucía Sabor; San Sebastián Gastronomika; Forum de Girona; Forum de Santiago.