Women Born for Logistics

14 Giugno, 2024

I have held the position of Director in the historic family company “Angelo Perez & C” S.N.C. since 1990. The company has been operating in the port since 1946, and I continue the work of my grandfather, Mario, and my father Cosimo, who taught me this profession, and who instilled in me the love and passion for working in a complex and delicate sector, such as ports and logistics.

Many will ask themselves, what does “Customs Agent” mean and what do Customs Agents do? To these questions, I answer with an example: “They are transport and logistics architects.” They are professional figures who are experts in customs procedures in and outside of the European Union. They take care of the complete cycle of transport of the goods and its logistics from the place of production, up to delivery at the headquarters of the client’s company.

Manuela Indaco and the father Cosimo, customs agents of the family company “Angelo Perez & C” S.N.C. that has been operating in the port of Catania since 1946. (Photos: Matteo Mangano).

It is a job of great responsibility, and of considerable complexity, with changes in customs regulations and digitalisation of operations that affect the entire transport and logistics chain. In particular, the international one which requires continuous professional updating, and innovation in the reorganization of the services provided to provide a quality service to an increasingly demanding clientele. A clientele, who intend to export and/or import the products necessary to develop their business in markets which are mainly international. All of this, while ensuring reliable timing, a transparent pricing policy, as well as remaining competitive in a sector that goes through various phases from transport (land, sea, and air) to logistics, and continuous control of the goods, up to their destination.

The desire to grow in a very stimulating environment, little known by non-professionals, gave me that added value, to improve myself in my personal life, as well as in my professional one.

There is intense daily relational activity with the Customs Agencies, the Port System Authorities, the Port Authorities, the Shipping Companies, the Port Companies, and the Logistics Terminals, to look after the interests of the economic Operators. The Customs Agent is a crucial role in a time of great transformation in Public Administration and of the continuous regulatory evolutions on the matter, to which are also added the contingent international geopolitical situations, which can block the so-called “supply chain” and create a very serious vulnerability to the country’s system.

Manuela Indaco during an inspection of the port of Catania. (Photos: Matteo Mangano).

Associationism in itself represents a great opportunity to grow together, and particularly for the female world, which is poorly represented in the world of the maritime-port cluster, and whose “level playing field” conditions are poorly developed, despite the presence of very capable and competent women who have entered almost forcefully into a world that predominantly belongs to the male world.

WISTA Italy is an international association, made up of only women belonging to the world of the maritime-port cluster as well as lawyers, accountants and university professors. This year it celebrates its thirtieth year of existence, having been founded in Genoa, and of which I am honoured to have been a member for sixteen years. They welcomed me with great enthusiasm, and I began a long journey with them which has involved an exciting process of discussion on sector issues and “best practices” also at a national level.

From this exciting associative activity, many cultural initiatives were born to promote the CD including, the “Sea Motorways”, the “Sea resource and the new challenges for ports”, the “Present of the Mediterranean”. Conference activities were organized in Catania to promote the “Blue Economy” and the women of the sector, creators of the its change. A constant and pressing commitment to improve the working conditions of those who work strenuously every day, dividing themselves between the company and the home, and requires this society which is increasingly distant from the needs and demands of the female world, to offer more opportunities for growth to inside this world that is as fascinating as it is difficult.

HEAD IMAGE | Maritime operations in the Port of Catania. (Photo: Manuela Indaco)..

Article reference for citation:

INDACO, Manuela. “Women Born for Logistics”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.
URL: https://portusonline.org/women-born-for-logistics/

INDACO, Manuela. “Donne nate per la logistica”. PORTUS | Port-City Relationship and Urban Waterfront Redevelopment, 47 (June 2024). RETE Publisher, Venice. ISSN 2282-5789.
URL: https://portusonline.org/women-born-for-logistics/

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