The 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona. An Opportunity to Demonstrate and Showcase the Commitment, Flexibility and Experience of the Port Community, without which it would not have been possible
Interview with José Alberto CARBONELL, President of the Port Authority of Barcelona

La 37ª Copa América en Barcelona. Una oportunidad para demostrar y poner en valor el compromiso,…

PortCastelló, a Collective Effort

PortCastelló, un esfuerzo colectivo Historia del puerto de Castellón La historia del puerto de Castellón comenzó…

Blue Economy: Competitiveness and Excellence in Huelva
Interview with José Luis GARCÍA-PALACIOS ÁLVAREZ, President of the Federación Onubense de Empresarios

La Economía Azul: competitividad y excelencia en Huelva Entrevista con José Luis GARCÍA-PALACIOS ÁLVAREZ, Presidente de…

The corporate and socioeconomic base of Porto and its region

When in 1834 it was formalized to create the Porto Commercial Association, one already premeditated the…

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