
Construir cerca del agua / Building close to the Water
by Joan Alemany
Temas – Topics

Porto-città-retroporto logistico / Port-City Logistic Retro-Port
by Ilaria Del ponte
Linee-guida per la pianificazione sostenibile dei fronti d’acqua urbani dopo il disastro / Guidelines for the Sustainable Planning of Urban Waterfronts after a Disaster
by Oriana e Sonia Giovinazzi

La Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón: herramienta de compromiso con el desarrollo urbanístico de la ciudad / The Gijon Port Authority: a Body Committed to the City’s Urban Development
by José Luis Díaz Rato

Il nuovo waterfront della Spezia / The New Waterfront in La Spezia
by Massimo Federici

Frente de águas: paisagens de dupla leitura / Waterfronts: Landscapes of Double Reading
by Leonel Fadigas

Ravenna, progetti per una “porta sul mare” / Ravenna, Projects for a “Gateway to the Sea”
by Giuseppe Parrello, Fabio Poggioli

Proyectos por el Puerto de Los Cristianos en Santa Cruz de Tenerife / Projects for the Port of Los Cristianos in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
by Marcos Hernández Acosta
Experiencias – Projects

Alger. Une ville portuarie en renouvellement / Algiers. A Port City on the Road to Renovation
by Mourad Bouteflika

Lisboa ‘88 ‘98 2008: da oportunidade à aptidão / Lisbon ‘88 ‘98 2008: Give Skill a Chance
by Luis Viana Baptista

Proyecto de nuevo puerto cabezal del Aconcagua / New Project for the Terminal of the Aconcagua
by Jorge Ferrada Herrera

Venezia: il programma “Porti e Stazioni” / Venice: the “Ports an Stations” Program
by Ambra Dina

Tripoli: l’affaccio a mare di una medina mediterranea / Tripoli: the Seafront of a Mediterranean Medina
by Ludovico Micara
Reportaje – Reportage

Le trasformazioni della Pechino olimpica / The Transformations of Beijin for the Olympics
by Alessandro Costa, Marco Zuttioni