Sociologist. Coordinator and Researcher,
Programa Integral de Investigación para el Desarrollo de las Ciudades Portuarias - PROCIP, UNED, Costa Rica.
San José, Costa Rica.
Associate lecturer at the National High School of Architecture in Lyon, France.
Researcher at CITTA, the Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Oporto.
Civil Engineer, Master in Urban Planning and Project, PhD Civil Engineering, Post Doctorate in Civil Engineering.
UNESCO consultant for the Pact for Sustainable Suape.
Porto, Portugal.
Paulo Pinho is Professor of Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Oporto.
Founder and Director of CITTA, the Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment.
Administrator Ports and Shipping.
Organisation International Transport Forum (ITF) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Chief executive officer Realdania By.
Manager of West Harbour Urban Development Project, Economy and Planning Center,
City of Helsinki.
Architect, Director of Planning & Architecture.
CPH City & Port Development, Planning & Architecture.
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Development Director, Economy and Planning Center, City of Helsinki.
Senior advisor planning, Port of Oslo.
PhD Architect.
University of Malaga.
Malaga, Spain