Geographer, PhD in Urban Planning.
Department of Geography, urban and territorial planning, University of Cantabria, Spain.

President of the Port Authority of Santander.

Architect, PhD in Urbanism.
Department of Design Evaluation, University Autonoma Metropolitana.
Mexico City, Mexico.

Director of Information, Futebol Clube do Porto (F.C. Porto), Portugal.

Architect, International Master's Degree in economics and techniques for the conservation of the architectural and environmental heritage.

Full Professor, PhD in Civil Engineering.
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Porto.

Pro-Rector for Culture, Sport and Leisure.
Department of Culture, Sport and Leisure, The Rectory of University of Porto.

Group Chief Executive at MDS. Chairman at Brokerslink.
Chairman of the Board of Casa da Música Foundation.

PhD in Law, Graduate in Banking, Insurance and Scholarship from the University of Coimbra.
President of Associação Comercial do Porto, Managing Partner of the companies “Essência do Vinho”, Comunicar Essência”, “Essência dos Eventos”.

Mayor of Porto Municipality.

Master of Science in Urban Development graduated from the Graduate Program in Urban Development of the Federal University of Pernambuco.
Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Catholic University of Pernambuco.
Recife, Brazil

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