Infraestructure Analyst at the Department of Revitalization and Modernization of Ports, Presidency Secretariat for Ports, (SEP/PR).
Brasília, Brazil

Director of the Department of Revitalization and Modernization of Ports, Presidency Secretariat for Ports, (SEP/PR).
Brasília, Brazil

Architect and Urban Planner.
Executive Director and Project Manager of Saber Global.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Analyst in Science and Technology on Board of Memory, Education, Culture and Art of the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation.
Recife, Brazil

Associated Professor, Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE.
Executive Secretary of Urban Development, Secretariat of Cities, Pernambuco State Govenment.
Recife, Brazil

Sociologist, post graduated in Research and Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Sociology
and Social Science in Community Work.
Director-president of the Port Region Urban Development Company of Rio de Janeiro (Companhia de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Região do Porto do Rio de Janeiro - CDURP).
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Agricultural Engineer PhD in Biological Sciences, Specialist in Environmental Sciences.
CEO at CPEA - Consultoria, Planejamento e Estudos Ambientais.
Sao Paulo, Brasil.

Environmental Specialist, MSc in Biological Sciences, Certified Specialist in Environmental Management and Technologies.
Director of Environmental Businesses at CPEA - Consultoria, Planejamento e Estudos Ambientais.
Sao Paulo, Brasil.

National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Institute of Research on Innovation and Services for Development (IRISS).
Naples, Italy.

Associate Professor of Architectural Design.
Faculty of Architecture, University Federico II of Naples.

Member of county's Council of political party Italia dei Valori Naples.
Chairman of Transport Mobility and Infrastructures Committee of Naples City Council.

Civil & Structural Engineer, MBA, Master in Urban Planning and Graduated Program in Architecture.
Ana has an extensive experience in strategic planning and environmental management, specialized in integrated urban & port sustainable projects. She has been responsible for Planning and Environment Department of Santander Port Authority.

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