Mayor of Santander.
President of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
President of the Spanish Network of Smart Cities and Co-Chair of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR).

Professor of Telematics Engineering, University of Cantabria.

Head of Planning and Operations Area of the Port Authority of Santander.

General Manager at Santander Port Authority.

Academic of the Spanish Royal Academy of History.

Head professor at University Environmental Technology College. Water and Environmental Science Department. University of Cantabria.

Port and Logistics Consultant.
Instituto de Desenvolvimento, Logística, Transporte e Meio Ambiente - IDELT.
São Paulo, Brazil.

Logistics Professor and Researcher of UNISANTA, Universidade Santa Cecília, Núcleo de Estudos Portuários e Marítimos (Center for Port, Maritime and Territorial Studies).
Vice President of CBC - Câmara Brasileira de Contêineres, Transporte Ferroviário e Multimodal (Brazilian Chamber of Containers, Rail and Multimodal Transportation).
Director of Business Development Management of the Port of ITRI - Rodoferrovia e Serviços Ltda. São Paulo, Brazil.

Ingenier, MSc and PhD in Political Science.
IPAT – Instituto de Pesquisas A Tribuna.

Architect, Master and Doctor in Architecture and Urbanism.
UNISANTA - Universidade Santa Cecília, Núcleo de Estudos Portuários, Marítimos e Territoriais.
São Paulo, Brazil.

Master in Geography (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).
Department of Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Geographer. PhD in Geography (Paris III).
Department of Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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