Professor of History and Economic Institutions.
University Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences and Department of Applied Economic Analysis (University of Alicante) and Economic Studies Institute of Alicante Province (INECA).
Alicante, Spain.
Civil Engineer and Economist.
University Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences and Department of Civil Engineering (University of Alicante).
Alicante, Spain.
Civil engineer.
University of Alicante.
Alicante, Spain.
Alicante, Spain
Port System Authority of the Central Tyrrenian Sea
(Ports of Napoli, Salerno and Castellammare di Stabia)
Naples, Italy
Managing Director.
RAM - Logistica, Infrastrutture e Trasporti Spa.
Roma, Italy
Head of Promotion, Communication and Institutional Relations Unit, North Adriatic Sea Port Authority.
Promotion, Communication and Institutional Relations Unit, North Adriatic Sea Port Authority.
Venice, Italy
Engineer in geomatics, cartographer.
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) - UMR 8504 Géographie-Cités.
Paris, France
Architect, PhD candidate.
Member of RETE Uruguay.
Montevideo, Uruguay.
Lawyer; urban planner; consultant. Presidente of INECA.
Perez Segura Asociados
INECA - Instituto de Estudios Económicos de la Provincia de Alicante.
Research Economics Institute Alicante Province.
Comunitat Valenciana, Alicante Province, Spain.
Department of Human Geography, University of Alicante.
Alicante, Spain.
Professor of Art History.
Demetrio Ribes Chair, University of Valencia.
Valencia, Spain.