La Copa América a la integración del puerto y la ciudad 38º Encuentro de RETE en…
This section emphasizes on the one hand the more physical aspects of projects or plans, already completed or under construction on each and every continent, in the field of the relationship between Port and City and the urban regeneration of Waterfront. The other hand it provides perspectives on the complex reality of the port cities within specific disciplines and in a trasversal way, addressing the multiple aspects that the presence of ports entails in different regional contexts, with particular regard to the cultural, material and immaterial expressions, in the broadest sense and with the intend to underline the relevance, modernity and significance of these themes in contemporary society.
The Global Transport Network in Space and Time
When it comes to represent reality, such as movement of transports, over a map, cartographers face…
Gastrourbanism Tactics
Tattiche gastrourbanistiche La trasformazione e la riconversione delle aree di waterfront dismesse rappresentano sfide significative, ma…
The Worlds of Marco Polo. Stories of Travel, Discovery and Enterprise
Venice’s natural element is water, but its most illustrious citizen travelled by land. It was in…
Port Horizons: Interweaving Simmel, Castells and Sassen with Futurist Views in Urban Sociology
Horizontes portuarios: entretejiendo Simmel, Castells y Sassen con miradas futuristas en sociología urbana Introducción Introduction Las…
Port Development, the Southern Hemisphere and Global Geopolitics
El desarrollo portuario, el hemisferio sur y la geopolítica global América Latina, motivado por el desarrollo…
The Port of Rosario Moves Towards the Future in Symbiosis with the Paraguay‐Paraná Waterway
El Puerto de Rosario avanza hacia el futuro en simbiosis con la Hidrovía Paraná – Paraguay…
The Constant Resistivity of Sardinian Cuisine
La costante resistenziale della cucina sarda Le città portuali sono spesso luoghi di intensa ibridazione dove…
Art on the Waterfront: The New Istanbul Modern Museum by Renzo Piano Building Design
Building a new place of culture, open and accessible to all, a building of light overlooking…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Ports of Latin America and the Caribbean
La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en los puertos de América Latina y el Caribe En el reciente…
Teófila Martínez elected President of RETE for a second term
Teófila Martínez elegida Presidenta de RETE para un segundo mandato Teófila Martínez, actual Presidenta de la…
Knowledge Value, Collaboration and Exchange of Ideas in the RETE Experience
Valor do conhecimento, colaboração e troca de ideias na experiência RETE Gostaria falar um pouco da…
The Challenges of Latin America before the Global Ocean Treaty
Los desafíos de América Latina ante el Tratado Global de los Océanos Tras diez años de…