Ports have a relationship with their urban environment; they transship goods that are destined to the…
Professor of Global Supply Chains and Ports, Department of Technology and Operations Management, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University Rotterdam. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Rob Zuidwijk focuses on synchronizing transportation networks, connecting the port to global supply chains, and coordinating global supply chains for sustainability. His work has been published in journals like California Management Review, Transportation Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Communications of the ACM, Production and Operations Management, and Transportation Research Part B. He teaches freight transport systems, international logistics, and management of sustainable supply chains, and inter-organizational systems in logistics. Professor Rob Zuidwijk is Captain of Science of the Topsector Logistics in the Netherlands and Ambassador of the SmartPort initiative in the port of Rotterdam. He participates and coordinates research projects on international logistics and container transport funded by NWO/TKI Logistics Dinalog and EU Commission.