[two_third] HG Qual è il rapporto tra la città di Genova e l’immigrazione? È pertinente…
Hilda Ghiara
Assistant professor in Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics. University of Genoa. Member of the scientific board of the Italian Centre of Excellence for Integrated Logistics. Responsible of a full module of Faculty of Economics, University of Genoa, (Maritime and Port Economics).
Assistant professor in Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Genoa Italy and member of the scientific board of the Italian Centre of Excellence for Integrated Logistics. Responsible of a full module of Faculty of Economics - University of Genoa (Maritime and Port Economics). She is Project manager of international research programs financed by the European Union and other private and public institutions. She has been member of the Scientific Board/Teachers Committee of the following university masters: “Governance and urban planning”, “Ports, Transports and Territory”, “Planning and Management of Transportation and Logistic Systems”. Author, co-author or editor of several scientific international publications, since 2009 she is member of the Genoa Port Center Board (Port of Genoa Exhibition & Education Center).
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