Interviewer | Fernando PUNTIGLIANO Muchas gracias por darnos la oportunidad de tener esta conversación para la…
Carolina COSSE
Mayor of Montevideo. Senator of the Republic. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Electrical Engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of the Republic in 1991. In 2009 she obtained a Master's degree in Mathematical Engineering. She is passionate about mathematics and music of various styles. She has worked in private activity, directing numerous engineering and management projects, in Uruguay and other Latin American countries. She provided professional services to Uruguayan public companies such as UTE, Banco de Previsión Social and Cancillería. From 2007 to 2010, she held the first political office of her government. She was the Director of the Information Technology Division of the Municipal Government of Montevideo, where she carried out very significant projects for the lives of the people of Montevideo. From 2010 to 2015 she was the president of Antel, where she promoted the democratization of access to ICTs and important infrastructure projects, which took the company to the first place in Latin America, standing out: the national fiber optic network, the Datacenter international, the submarine cable interconnecting Uruguay with the United States, the Vera + channel, the educational connectivity of Ceibal, and the Antel Arena. She was Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining from 2015 to 2019. She oriented her management towards a strong implementation of policies to boost national industrial production, contribute to the diversification of the energy matrix, promote the development of the mining sector, telecommunications and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular innovative industries such as the audiovisual, design, electronics, robotics and artificial intelligence. In the national elections of October 2019, she was elected Senator of the Republic. In the departmental elections of September 2020, she was elected Mayor of Montevideo.