Access to the PORTUS pages is free and open to all users, however registration to the Magazine is required to be able to freely read the articles in some sections (REPORT and PORTRAIT), as well as the authors’ profile page.
Registration is achieved by clicking the “Log In” icon, located on the main navigation bar, at the top right.
Registration consists of filling in some mandatory fields, and accepting the Privacy Policy.
After completing the form and accepting the Policy Privacy, an e-mail will be send with the confirmation of registration to the Magazine, together with the username and password created, in order to freely access the contents of PORTUS.
The registered user must enter the username and password to login and to access PORTUS; before leaving the Magazine it is advisable to always Log Out.
Once logged in, the icon with the wording “Log Out” will appear on the main navigation bar, by clicking on it will have the opportunity to verify your profile with personal data and change the password.
This digital Magazine has been designed with the latest technologies available on the market, optimized for the versions of the most popular browsers (Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera on PC and MAC), it is also responsive for tablets and smartphones.
To view the Magazine correctly, it is necessary to update your browser to the latest version compatible with the operating system used.
For any technical information, please refer to the following email address: