Reabilitação do espaço público na Frente Ribeirinha da Baixa Pombalina: Terreiro do Paço e Cais do Sodré/Corpo Santo

A regeneração e requalificação da frente ribeirinha da baixa pombalina, correspondente à faixa compreendida entre as…

This could be Rotterdam or anywhere

This could be Rotterdam … on your first date with Hollandse nieuwe, the herrings caught in…

Barcelona’s Urban Markets

“La cuina d’un país és el seu paisatge posat a la cassola” (“A country’s cuisine is…

Estonoesunsolar: urban acupuncture and sustainable regeneration

After many surveys focusing on the Old Town part of Zaragoza made from 2004, different serious…

The Dark Side of the Port

In every seaside city, fishermen’s families have always thought out to prepare main courses using leftovers…

Medi Terraneum البحر الأبيض المتوسط al-Baḥr al-Mutawāsiṭ

Mediterranean medium sized city-ports. General approach The territorial understanding is a complex and exciting task, especially…

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