Innovation and Technology for a Green Future of the Port of Catania

Innovazione e tecnologia per un futuro verde del porto di Catania Il 17 gennaio 2024, il…

Digital Twins as Collaborative Tools in the Port – City Environment

El Gemelo Digital como herramienta de colaboración Puerto – Ciudad Introducción Los puertos de hoy en…

Smart Sustainable Ports: Concept, Key Principles and Public Policies for Promotion

Puertos Sostenibles Inteligentes: concepto, principios clave y políticas públicas para promoverlos Introducción Este articulo explora el…

Implementation strategy for the smart port Puerto del Callao

Estrategia de implementación para el smart port Puerto del Callao Como columna vertebral de la cadena…

Smart ports for smart cities

Puertos inteligentes para ciudades inteligentes Actualmente el transporte marítimo mueve aproximadamente un 80% de las mercancías…

Livorno: Port-city network co-design following the “Smart Landscape” approach

The smart city model is more and more adopted at European and national scales. It proposes…

Sustainable Ports: Moving Toward Responsible Cargo Focus

Ports have a relationship with their urban environment; they transship goods that are destined to the…

Smart and resilient cities and ports. Perspectives for Hamburg

Especially port cities have demonstrated in the past the capability to prepare for, to respond to,…

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