Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Responsibility are the focus of the UN Ocean Conference 2025
Nice, France | 9-13 June 2025

31 Dicembre, 2024

Following two editions in New York (2015) and Lisbon (2022), France and Costa Rica are co-organising the third Conference on the Ocean (UNOC 3) in Nice, from 9 to 13 June 2025.

Ten years after COP21 and the Paris Agreement, UNOC3 will involve all relevant stakeholders, bringing together all UN Member States, their heads of state and government, international specialised agencies, intergovernmental organizations, financial institutions, universities and research centres, civil society, private sector and to achieve, with the Nice agreements for the ocean, what had been achieved in 2015 for the climate with the Paris Agreement, assessing future challenges and opportunities.

This UN Ocean Conference edition will be focused on “Accelerating action and mobilizing all actors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean” and will seek to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG14), with three main priorities, in order to produce an ambitious Nice Ocean Action Plan:

  • Working towards completion of multilateral processes linked to the oceans, to boost ambition for their protection;
  • Mobilizing sources of finance to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (SDG 14) and support the development of a sustainable blue economy;
  • Strengthening and better disseminating knowledge linked to marine science to enhance policy-making.

The Nice Ocean Action Plan, composed of a political declaration as well as a list of voluntary commitments from stakeholders, will be adopted following international discussions during the Conference.

The Conference aims to support further and urgent action to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development and identify further ways and means to support the implementation of SDG 14. It will build on existing instruments to form successful partnerships towards the swift conclusion and effective implementation of ongoing processes that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean. Events accredited by the United Nations and UNOC co-organizers will be proposed in parallel with international discussions to the conference.

Emmanuel Macron, President of French Republic, announced the UNOC3 in Nice will mark a historic step towards new ocean governance: “The ocean is fundamental to life on our planet and to our future. The ocean is an important source of the planet’s biodiversity and plays a vital role in the climate system and water cycle. The ocean provides a range of ecosystem services, supplies us with oxygen to breathe, contributes to food security, nutrition and decent jobs and livelihoods, acts as a sink and reservoir of greenhouse gases and protects biodiversity, provides a means for maritime transportation, including for global trade, forms an important part of our natural and cultural heritage and plays an essential role in sustainable development, a sustainable ocean-based economy and poverty eradication“.

Programme and Special Events

4-6 June 25: One Ocean Science Congress (Nice)

Organized Organized with the Ifremer oceanographic institute and the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), the One Ocean Science Congress will bring together over 2,000 international scientists to identify innovative indicators and solutions for ocean health, and support the creation of the International Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS) and the intergovernmental organization Mercator Ocean International (MOi).

7 June 2025: Ocean Rise & Resilience Coalition (Nice)

Organized by the city of Nice and the Ocean & Climate Platform, the Ocean Rise & Resilience Coalition Summit will invite elected representatives and leaders of coastal cities and regions, as well as governments of island States under threat from rising sea levels. It will focus on stepping up collaboration and access to knowledge and finance for adaptation to ocean and climate change.

7-8 June 2025: Blue Economy and Finance Forum (Monaco)

Organized by Monaco, the Blue Economy and Finance Forum will seek to bring on board Heads of State and Government, business, finance and civil society to invest significantly in the blue economy and sustainable shipping, and to propose innovative blue financing tools.

8 June 2025: World Oceans Day (Nice)

Organized by the United Nations, World Oceans Day will be celebrated in the presence of the world’s main ocean civil society stakeholders. Special attention will be given to the Peoples of the Sea.

From 28 May to 13 June

At Nice Port and the Palais des expositions, there will be a public area dedicated to raising awareness for the protection of oceans and celebrating maritime culture.

More Information


Article reference for citation:

Editorial Team of PORTUS, “Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Responsibility are the focus of the UN Ocean Conference 2025, PORTUS Magazine n. 48, December 2024, Year XXIV, RETE Publisher, Venice, ISSN 2282-5789.
URL: https://portusonline.org/our-ocean-our-future-our-responsibility-the-focus-of-un-ocean-conference-2025/

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