Port Planning and Strategy Manager, Port Authority of A Coruña.
Associate Professor of Engineering Projects, University of A Coruña.
Huelva, Spain.

Architect at the Gubbins Arquitectos.
Colegios de Arquitectos de Chile. Asociation de Oficinas de Arquitectura (AOA), Chile. Director of Fundacion Beethoven, Chile. Director of Conavicoop (Cooperativa Nacional de Viviendas Sociales), Chile.

Associate Professor Geography.
Department of Geography and territorial planning, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova Lisboa, Portugal (FCSH-UNL).
Lisbon, Portugal.

Associate Director / Master Planning & Urban Design Europe Leader, ARUP.

Associate Professor of Transport. PhD in Transport Engineering.
Department of Electric Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Catania.
Catania, Italy.

Degree in Architecture at Iuav University of Venice.
Member of the RETE International Scientific Committee (since 2013).
Venice, Italy.

Architect, PhD Researcher in Urban Planning in the Hafencity Unversity.
Frankfurt, Germany.

Studies & Development Division, Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso, Chile

Freelance Journalist. ESPO Award Jury Member.
Venice, Italy.

Ph.D Civil Engineer.
Managing Partner of ESTRADA PORT CONSULTING S.L.. Barcelona, Spain.
Director of PORTUS Magazine.

Team leader in Centre for Urban Development in the City of Copenhagen, Responsible for the Municipal General Physical Plan of Copenhagen.

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