Civil Engineer. Master of Science. Professor and Researcher at the Santa Cecília University.
Coordinator of the Nodo Avanzado RETE-NEPOMT-UNISANTA, Santa Cecília University.
NEPOMT - Núcleo de Estudos Portuários e Marítimos.
Santos, Brasil.
Architect specializing in Urban Design.
President of the Association of Architects GRON, collaborates with public and private institutions nationally and internationally.
Full professor of Urban Planning.
Dean of the Department of Architecture of University of Naples Federico II.
Naples, Italy
Technical Coordinator of the Strategic Plan for Santander 2020, Leonardo Torres Quevedo Foundation, University of Cantabria.
Professor. PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, Tourism area.
Catholic Portuguese University.
Head of Maritime and Mediterranean Economy Department.
SRM - Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno.
Naples, Italy
Architect, Associated Professor.
Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto (FAUP).
Architect, Urban and Regional Planner.
CCDRN - North Region Development and Coordination Comitee.
Architect, Designer, Illustrator, Songwriter.
Institut für Gestaltung Studio 2, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Geographer - Urbanist, AIVP General Manager.
AIVP, the worldwide network of Port Cities.
Le Havre, France.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft.
Delft, The Netherlands.
Architect, PhD in Re-incorporation of Industrial port spaces in disused.
Department of Architectural Projects, University of Seville.
Seville, Spain.