Cultural promoter, Historian, College teacher.
Teacher at Universidad Veracruzana.
Director for CEVART, Veracruz Centre of the Arts.
Veracruz, México.
Architect, PhD of Architecture, Director of the Museum Fort San Juan de Ulúa.
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia INAH, México.
Veracruz, México.
PhD in Urban Planning, Research Professor.
Department of Evaluation of Design in Time. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
Mexico City, Mexico.
Full Cathedratic Professor of Economic Geography and Urban Planning.
Department of Geography and Territorial Planning, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova Lisboa (FCSH-UNL).
Lisbon, Portugal.
Full Professor of Spatial Planning, Innovation and Regional Development Policy.
Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
Aveiro, Portugal.
Architect. PhD in Geography and Territorial Planning.
Department of Geography and territorial planning, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova Lisboa, Portugal (FCSH-UNL).
Lisbon, Portugal.
Telecommunication Engineer. University Expert in Innovation Management and Technology-Based Entrepreneurial Initiatives. Wellness Telecom, S.L.
Seville, Spain.
Deputy Director of Ports, Airports and Coasts.
Regional Department of Infraestructures, Territory and Environment, Valencian Regional Administration - Generalitat Valenciana.
Comunitat Valenciana, Spain.
President, Asociación de Arquitectos por el Patrimonio de Valparaíso Plan Cerro (NGO).
Valparaíso, Chile.
Pos-Doc Researcher.
CICS.NOVA - Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon.
Lisbon, Portugal.
Architect, Owner and CEO of ”Santana y Vicente Associated Architects”. Master Erasmus Mundus ”Urban Studies in Mediterranean Regions”.
Member of the Research Group HUM-632 ”Project, Progress, Architecture” in the Architectural Design Department at School of Architecture of Seville, University of Seville.
Seville, Spain.